SOAP Library for Robot Framework
- Python 2.7
- Python 3.7
- Zeep 3.1.0 (or higher)
The SoapLibrary was created for those who want to use the Robot Framework as if they were using SoapUI, just send the request XML and get the response XML.
These packages are prerequisites for the library:
pip install zeep
pip install six
pip install requests
Then: pip install robotframework-soaplibrary
*** Settings ***
Library SoapLibrary
Library OperatingSystem
*** Test Cases ***
Create Soap Client
${response} Call SOAP Method With XML ${CURDIR}/request.xml
${text} Get Data From XML By Tag ${response} tag_name
Log ${text}
Save XML To File ${response} ${CURDIR} response_test
You can find the keywords documentation here
- Altran - Altran Web Site
- Samuel Cabral
- Joao Gomes
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.