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Ideas for Improvement

Amy Wooding edited this page Jan 31, 2023 · 2 revisions

Repeated code snippets

Dataset IO

Local/Remote loading option (with test option)

option = 'local'

if option == 'local':
    with open(local ,'rb') as file:
        bg = pickle.load(file)
elif option == 'remote':
    with, 'rb') as file:
        bg = pickle.load(file)

And a separate test option if it's a big file where test_file is a smaller version of the dataset:

option = 'local'

if option == 'local':
    with open(local_file ,'rb') as file:
        bg = pickle.load(file)
elif option == 'remote':
    with, 'rb') as file:
        bg = pickle.load(file)
elif option == 'test':
    with, 'rb') as file:
        bg = pickle.load(file)
    if not fs.exists(remote_file):
        raise Exception(f"file {remote_file} does not exist")
    if not local_file.exists():
        raise Exception(f"file {local_file} does not exist")

Split apart and simplify

Use layers.

  • Environment
  • Local Config
  • Notebooks
  • Datasets