This library is still in early development and the API might change before the first stable release.
Powerful form management library build on top of Preact Signals.
- TypeScript - Written in TypeScript with full type support for optimal DX.
- Reactivity - Reactivity without abstractions thanks to Preact Signals.
- Validation - Built-in validation support, including adapters for validation schema libraries.
- Transformations - Transform values for the specific needs of your input fields.
- Field Groups - Group fields together to manage parts of a form independently.
- Async Data - Easily manage async initialisation, validation and submission.
- Arrays + Dynamic Objects - Utilize arrays and dynamic objects within your forms.
- React - React bindings for easy integration with React.
- Dev Tools - Offers a dev tools component to debug your forms.
- @formsignals/form-core - Core form management library.
- @formsignals/form-react - React bindings for form management.
- @formsignals/dev-tools-react - Developer Tools for React.
- @formsignals/validation-adapter-zod - Zod validation adapter.