This repository contains my personal configuration for Nvim, including all plugins and configurations using Lua programming language. I'm running it using ITerm (Termminal) and a Macbook M1.
I'm using lazy.nvim to manager my plugins. To know more:
These are the list of Nvim plugins that I'm using to have a descent Text Editor.
- LuaSnip: Snippet engine for Neovim.
- alpha-nvim: A startup dashboard for Neovim.
- catppuccin: A color scheme for Neovim.
- cmp-nvim-lsp: LSP source for nvim-cmp.
- friendly-snippets: A set of ready-to-use snippets for various languages.
- lazy.nvim: Plugin manager for Neovim.
- lualine.nvim: A highly customizable status line for Neovim.
- mason-lspconfig.nvim: Integration between Mason and nvim-lspconfig.
- mason.nvim: Manager for LSP, DAP, linters, and formatters.
- neo-tree.nvim: A modern file explorer for Neovim.
- none-ls.nvim: Configurable linter and formatter for Neovim.
- nvim-lspconfig: Configurations for integrating LSPs in Neovim.
- nvim-treesitter: Better code parsing and syntax highlighting.
- nvim-web-devicons: Icons for Neovim plugins.
- telescope.nvim: Highly extensible fuzzy finder for Neovim.