released this
04 Aug 18:51
Major New Features
New UI for experiments #410
New "How To" guides for Mixpanel, RudderStack, BigQuery, GA, Next.js and more #374 #444 #452
Export experiment results as CSV #396
Support Google Cloud Storage for self-hosted image uploads #423
See an activity log for all of your watched features #375
Specify an "owner" for features, metrics, segments, and dimensions #407
Bug Fixes
Clickhouse error caused by missing SQL aliases #446
Unable to delete API keys #455
Fix encoding of regexes in Mixpanel metric conditions #464
Bug causing custom attributes to get reset to the default list #465
Unable to remove tag filter if the tag is no longer being used #449
Python SDK broken when user hash attribute value is None
Other Changes
Control the default environment toggle states for new features #428
Metric tooltips on experiment results with helpful info #417
Sort projects dropdown alphabetically #456
Update dependencies - React 18, Next.js 12, Tailwind 3, Typescript 4.7 #459
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