Things I wrote at school on my calculator
- Similar to mastermind
- Calculator gives clues about if guessed digits are in the actual number and if they are in the right place
- Set number of digits
- Euler's method
put function in terms of X and Y into Y1, then run EULRMTD
- Pair of programs
- uses the Vigenère cipher
- Ceaser cipher with code word
- Performs Vigenère cipher and converts to base 3
- Run encode with message and code word
- Copy down the three strings of numbers
- Run decode with the copied down code and the code word
- Calculates the pH of weak acids using the PKa and the molarity
- We were doing a lot of these problems in class and it was tedious to manually enter them into my calculator
- Makes any polyrhythm
- Rhythms are shown on each side of the screen
- Timed game where the goal is to correctly solve as many math problems as possible in a set amount of time
- Types of math problems include
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Exponents
- Trignometry
- Logic
- Runs are seeded so other people can play the same questions
- Program is written so that adding types of problems is easy
- Scoring
- 1 point awarded for a right answer
- 0.25 points deducted for a wrong answer