Nearly-Incompressible Hyperelasticity throwing error #977
Hi, I came back to an old code that I was working on a while ago. It is nearly-incompressible hyperelasticity (λ/μ >> 1). But it is failing with the stacktrace pointing to a problem in constitutive relation (the function using Gridap
using LineSearches: BackTracking
using BenchmarkTools
const λ = 1000.0
const μ = 1.0
qmodel = CartesianDiscreteModel((0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1), (5, 5, 5))
model = simplexify(qmodel)
labels = get_face_labeling(model)
add_tag_from_tags!(labels,"rightFace",[2, 4, 6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26])
add_tag_from_tags!(labels,"leftFace",[1, 3, 5, 7, 13, 15, 17, 19, 25])
add_tag_from_tags!(labels,"bottomFace",[1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 17, 18, 23])
add_tag_from_tags!(labels,"backFace",[1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 21])
trian = Triangulation(model)
dΩ = Measure(trian, degree)
writevtk(trian, "domainGridap")
# helper functions
F(∇u) = one(∇u) + ∇u
J(F) = det(F)
function S(∇u, p)
Fs = F(∇u)
Js = J(Fs)
μ * Fs + p * Js * inv(Fs)'
# this is the problematic function
function aJ(∇u, p)
Js = (λ + p + sqrt((λ + p)^2 + 4 * λ * μ )) / (2 * λ) # specifically this
dJdp = (λ + p + sqrt(4*λ*μ + (λ+ p)^2))/(2*λ*sqrt(4*λ*μ + (λ + p)^2))
J(F(∇u)) - (Js + (p + μ/Js - λ * (Js - 1))* dJdp)
function res(Wh, Vh)
u, p = Wh
v, q = Vh
(S∘(∇(u), p) ⊙ ∇(v) + aJ(∇(u), p) * q) * dΩ
nls = NLSolver(
reffe_u = ReferenceFE(lagrangian, VectorValue{3,Float64},2)
reffe_p = ReferenceFE(lagrangian,Float64,1)
Vu = TestFESpace(
model, reffe_u, conformity=:H1,
dirichlet_tags = ["leftFace", "rightFace", "bottomFace", "backFace"],
dirichlet_masks = [
(true, false, false), (true, false, false), (false, true, false), (false, false, true)
Vp = TestFESpace(
solver = FESolver(nls)
function main(init_u, init_p, disp_x)
g0 = VectorValue(
0.0, 0.0, 0.0
g1 = VectorValue(
disp_x, 0.0, 0.0
Uh = TrialFESpace(Vu, [g0, g1, g0, g0])
Qh = TrialFESpace(Vp)
W1 = MultiFieldFESpace([Uh, Qh])
W2 = MultiFieldFESpace([Vu, Vp])
op = FEOperator(res, W1, W2)
uh = FEFunction(Uh, init_u)
ph = FEFunction(Qh, init_p)
uh, ph = solve(solver, op)
# = wh;
# @assert(ph.free_values[1] ≈ -0.5) #exact solution
return get_free_dof_values(uh), get_free_dof_values(ph)
function runs()
nsteps = 10;
disp_max = 2;
u0 = zeros(Float64, num_free_dofs(Vu));
p0 = ones(Float64, num_free_dofs(Vp));
for step in 1:nsteps
disp_x = step * disp_max / nsteps
println("\n+++ Solving for disp_x $disp_x")
u0, p0 = main(u0, p0, disp_x)
The stacktrace is
The weak form (with a slight abuse of notation) looks like the following ∫ (S(∇u, p) ⊙ ∇(v) + fJ⋆(∇u, p) * q) dΩ = 0 ∀ (v, q) where S is the first piola kirchhoff stress and fJ⋆(∇u, p) is a nonlinear function in the constitutive relation as defined above, namely function aJ(∇u, p)
Js = (λ + p + sqrt((λ + p)^2 + 4 * λ * μ )) / (2 * λ)
dJdp = (λ + p + sqrt(4*λ*μ + (λ+ p)^2))/(2*λ*sqrt(4*λ*μ + (λ + p)^2))
J(F(∇u)) - (Js + (p + μ/Js - λ * (Js - 1))* dJdp)
end Could anyone point me to the cause of the problem and how should I define the above function ? |
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It seems it was ∫(S∘(∇(u), p) ⊙ ∇(v) + aJ∘(∇(u), p) ⊙ q)*dΩ |
Beta Was this translation helpful? Give feedback.
It seems it was