An API to interface with for Destiny stats using Node.js / Express 4.
Use the destiny-api by hosting it as a node.js application then query with the following routes.
Code | Description |
/Group/:groupId/MembersV3/:page |
Search for the provided clan. |
/SearchDestinyPlayer/:membershipType/:displayName |
Search for the provided player's display name based on membership type (1 = XBL, 2 = PSN). |
/:platform/Account/:membershipId |
Get all characters for the provided player (membership ID). |
/:platform/Account/:membershipId/Character/:characterId/Progression/ |
Get progressions for the provided character. |
/:platform/Account/:membershipId/Character/:characterId/Activities/ |
Get activities for the provided character. |
/Stats/ActivityHistory/:platform/:membershipId/:characterId/:mode |
Get activity history for the provided character on the given type (Raid, Strike, etc). |
Handle the JSON from the destiny-api using code similar to the following:
function getJson(routeUrl, success, failure) {
var searchUrl = 'yourAppBaseURLHere' + routeUrl + '?callback=?';
return $.ajax({
url: searchUrl,
dataType: "jsonp",
data: "data=yeah",
jsonp: 'callback',
success: function (data) {
error: function (result) {