The Core object provides access to methods that are available for use by Bridge layers that connect the Constellation Core to a UI Library implementation.
- Redux
- Error handling
- Validations
- Expression
- Server whens
- Semantic url handling
- Action processing
- Metadata iterator
- Asset loader
Exposes APIs to load the script files and css files as of now.
AssetLoader class exposes following methods :
- register
- getLoader
- getStaticServerUrl
- initServer
- loadAssets
By default, out in-built loader for js/css will be used. Custom loaders can be registered using viz. 'Font-loader'
➥ PCore.getAssetLoader().register('font-loader',fontLoaderFn);
Custom loaders can be used in this way. Assets need to passed asset type and url.
➥ PCore.getAssetLoader().getLoader('font-loader')('web-font','');
getStaticServerUrl Method is used to fetch static content url :
➥ PCore.getAssetLoader().getStaticServerUrl();
initServer Method is sets the static content url :
➥ PCore.getAssetLoader().initServer('http://localhost:1080/prweb/AppName/');