This project aims to provide a easy way to split payments between recipients on the ethereum network
The recipients are basically addresses that receives any payment that a user sends, the recipients receive proportionally to the amount of percentage registered.
const splitter = new web3.eth.Contract(splitterAbi, splitterAddress)
// Adding a recipient
await splitter.methods.addRecipient([recipientAccount, percentage]).send({ from: account })
// Getting recipients
await splitter.methods.getRecipients().call()
// Removing recipients
await splitter.methods.removeAllRecipients().send({ from: account })
Having the recipients settled, any payment sent to the contract will be splitted between the recipients and will be available for withdraw. You can pay the gas to send all recipients balances at once. If wanted, each owner can pull his own funds from the contract. You also can see the balance stored for any account.
const splitter = new web3.eth.Contract(splitterAbi, splitterAddress)
// Transfer to recipients accounts
await splitter.methods.transfer().send({ from: account })
// Reading balance
await splitter.methods.balanceOf(account).call()
// Withdraw own balance
await splitter.methods.withdraw(amount).send({ from: account })
Compiles the contracts on the /build
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and .solhintrc.json
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for fixing errors on javascript code
Tests the contracts using the files at /test