ES6 out of the box
CanJS is the easiest and most concise full framework
explain how it is a full framework, compare it to react where you have multiple routing libraries
easy because it makes sinple sense
does not try to over complicate simple concepts
show small scale examples via jsbin
try to showcase the things the docs don't quite show
need to explain the patterns and not just the functions that the docs cover
This example/tutorial will do it's best o teach you the minimal requirements to develop a web app using the canjs/donejs enviorment. Simplifying the packages to suite the average need.
We will cover CanJS, DoneJS, and StealJS. This is the TriForce.
list of keywords/topics
We will touch such goodies as two way data binding, automatic event listeners, and server side rendering.
Service Side Rendering or SSR:
Two Way Data Bindings:
The power of templates.
To do..
Currently not working and ready in this example. Skip to the Client part of the tutorial and check out the public/ folder.
create a server that routes to json files, no database
ignore just notes
install donejs
http-proxy, header pass
virtual dom
ignore just notes
make sure to have done-autorender for index.html
done-autorender binds viewModel to the route, can-import viewModel binds that models properties to the route
propDefinition can set precise getter and setters for object properties
do your best to not use events: {} on components, especially init
draw out how 2 way binding works with stache and such
explain DefineMap and the getter compute, aka how it listens to changes and executes automatically
view-bindings with stache
can-stache-converters, for easy dom form handling
can-stache-converters and propDefinitions,js,output
ignore just notes
explain package.json, and the namespace
can-view-import and packe.json
tie in with donejs
To do..
explain my config
To do..