This repository contains exericises and notes I took taking the ML Zoomcamp provided by
- Basics of Python: Pandas and Numpy
- Data Preparation
- Exploritoy Data Analysis
- Setup the Validation Framework
- Linear Regression
- Linear Regression Vector Form
- Traiining a Linear Regression Model
- Car Price Baseline Model
- Validating the Model
- Simple Feature Engineering
- Categorical Variables
- Regularization
- Tuning the Model
- Using the Model
- Read Data and initial Data Preparation
- Setting up the Validation Framework
- Feature Importance: Churn Rate and Risk Ratio
- Feature Importance: Mutual Information
- Feature Importance: Correlation
- One-Hot Encoding
- Logistic Regression
- Training Logistic Regression with Scikit-Learn
- Model Interpretation
- Using the Model
- Summary
- Explore more
- Read Data and Data Preparation
- Model Setup
- Make Predictions
- Accuracy: Evaluate a Dummy Model
- Confusion Table
- Precission and Recall
- ROC Curves
- Cross Validation
- Summary
- Explore more
- Read and prepare the Data
- Train the Model
- Save and Load the Model
- Web Services: Introduction to flask
- Serving the churn model with flask
- Dependency and Environment Management: Pipenv
- Environment Management: Docker
- Deploying in the Cloud
- Summary
- Explore more
- Data Cleaning and Preprocessing
- Decision Trees: sklearn
- Decision Trees: explained
- Decision Trees: Parameter Tuning
- Ensembles and Random Forests
- Gradient Boosting and XGBoost
- XGBoost: Paramter Tuning
- Selecting the final Model
- Summary
- Explore more
- Introduction to Tensorflow and Keras
- Pretrained CNN
- CNNs
- Transfer Learning
- Hyperparamter Tuning: Adjusting the Learning Rate
- Checkpointing
- Add more Layers
- Regularization and Dropout
- Data Augmentation
- Train a larger Model
- Using the Model
- Summary
- Overview
- AWS Lambda
- Tensorflow Lite: Convert Tensorflow Model to Tensorflow Lite
- Prepare the lambda Code
- Creating a lambda Function
- API Gateway: Exposing the Lambda Function
- Overview
- Tensorflow Serving: Convert model to saved_model format
- Create a Preprocessing Service
- Run everything locally with Docker-Compose
- Introduction to Kubernetes
- Deploy a simple service to Kubernetes
- Deploy the Tensorflow Model to Kubernetes
- Deploy to EKS
- Explore more