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Language Operators

Fred Rothganger edited this page Sep 11, 2024 · 9 revisions
Associativity Precedence Operator Description
Left to Right 1 . Namespace delimiter
function() Function call
variable() Access matrix element
[] Matrix constant
(expression) Override precedence
' Derivative with respect to time
Right to Left 2 ^ Exponentiation
3 - Unary minus (makes a negative number)
! Logical NOT; Matrix inversion
~ Matrix transpose
Left to Right 4 * Multiply. For matrices, this is the usual whole-matrix multiply.
& Matrix elementwise (Hadamard) multiply
/ Divide
% Modulo. Result has same sign as divisor.
5 + Add
- Subtract
6 < Less than
<= Less than or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
7 == Equal to. For matrices, returns a matrix indicating the result of elementwise comparison. To get back a single scalar value indicating whole-matrix equality, use the function equal(A,B).
!= Not equal to
8 && Logical AND
9 || Logical OR
10 , Separate expressions in a list, or elements in a row of a matrix.
11 ; Separate rows in a matrix
None 12 = Defines a variable. By default it is temporary unless the compiler determines that it must be state (saved and buffered).
=: Defines a variable and explicitly makes it state rather than temporary.
=; Defines a variable and hints that it should be temporary, even if some criteria are not met (see Language: Order of Evaluation). The compiler will respect this if possible, but may still need to make it a state variable.
=+ Defines a state variable that accumulates the sum across multiple parts. This is a type of reduction operator. There is no corresponding =- operator because it would be ambiguous with an equation that starts with negation.
=* Accumulates the product
=/ Accumulates the quotient (product of reciprocals)
=< Accumulates the minimum
=> Accumulates the maximum
13 @ Indicates conditional execution of an expression.
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