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Fons van der Plas edited this page Dec 5, 2018 · 1 revision

The printi client is designed for the following hardware:

Onion Omega2+

These cheap Linux computers are perfect for this project, since they are cheap (€15), have Wi-Fi (with access point/hotspot) built in, and have just enough storage (32MB) for python3, pip, the requests package, git, and some code.

Hoin HOP H58

From a Shenzhen manufacturer, they claim to sell the cheapest 58mm printer on the market (€20). Their drivers are compatible with CUPS Linux (although the Omega doesn't have enough storage for CUPS 😟), and they provide the driver's source code.

The device has a lot of empty space inside its shell, enough to secretly tuck in the Omega.

The thing on the left is actually a Raspberry Pi 🤫

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