Repo housing code related to the estimation of flood depth at low points and initial inundation modeling work
The commands below setup a conda environment for this repo.
Use the following if the machine you are using does not have conda installed and is running the zsh
curl -o ~/
bash ~/ -b -p $HOME/miniconda
source ~/miniconda/bin/activate
conda init zsh
This sets up the conda environment:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate inundation-model
python -m ipykernel install --user --name=inundation-model
To grab the data, unzip it and delete the zip file run this (uncompressed data is 121GB):
mkdir data && cd data
brew install wget (if on a machine without it)
unzip && rm
TODO: go from a sensor lat/lon to an image file of the surrounding elevations for that sensors TODO: return loweest point within X meters of sensor location TODO: add to readme