A framework for creating reproducible, maintainable and modular data science code.
DEPRECATION NOTICE: This repository is in the process to being handed over to the kedro-org organization. Please contribute to astrojuanlu/awesome-kedro instead.
- kedro-accelerator - Speeds up pipelines by parallelizing I/O in the background.
- kedro-airflow - Makes it easy to deploy Kedro projects to Airflow.
- kedro-argo - Converts Kedro pipelines to Argo pipelines.
- kedro-docker - Makes it easy to package Kedro projects with Docker.
- kedro-great - The easiest way to integrate Kedro and Great Expectations.
- kedro-grpc-server - Creates a gRPC server for your kedro pipelines.
- kedro-mlflow - Allows usage of MLFlow in Kedro projects.
- kedro-pandas-profiling - "Profiles" data in the catalog.
- kedro-viz - Helps visualise Kedro data and analytics pipelines.
- kedro-wings - Automatically creates catalog entries to simplify Kedro pipeline writing.
- find-kedro - Automatically construct pipelines using pytest style pattern matching.
- find-kedro - CLI tool ẃhich finds nodes for pipelines.
- more-kedro - (Hook) library for on the fly typing and validation of parameter dictionaries and default value backed data loading.
- steel-toes - Prevent changing downstream catalog data on your teammates while developing in parallel.
- how-to-inject-secrets-into-your-kedro-configuration
- define-data-catalog-using-python
- kedro-in-scripts - Getting started with Kedro in a single script
- kedro-silence - Setting all kedro logs for clean output
- pipeline-registry - Converting from hooks.py to pipeline_registry, what you need to know.
- minimal-pipeline - The minimal pipeline package (just pipeline no catalog or runner)
- kedro-pickle - How to use Kedro when your data is not a table.
- reasons-to-kedro - Reasons to consider using Kedro.
- whats-new-in-kedro-166 - What's new in Kedro 0.16.6
- whats-new-in-kedro-164 - What's new in Kedro 0.16.4
- graceful-catalog - Gracefully adopt the Kedro catalog in a non-Kedro project
- kedro-catalog-search - How to find entries in your Kedro catalog
- Kedro (Python template for production-quality ML data pipelines)
- kedro-inputs - How Kedro handles your inputs
- kedro-preflight-hook - Creating the kedro-preflight hook
- Enhance your kedro experiences with these tips
- Kedro: The Best Python Framework for Data Science!!
- kedro-in-6-months
- Kedro hands-on Build your own demographics atlas. Pt. 2: building footprints classification
- The latest and greatest in Kedro — We’re growing our community
- Kedro-Airflow 0.4.0 — Orchestrating Kedro Pipelines with Airflow
- Unboxing Kedro 0.17.0 and Kedro-Viz 3.8.0 🎁
- Beyond the Notebook and into the Data Science Framework Revolution
- Element AI uses Kedro to apply research and develop enterprise AI models
- Introducing Kedro Hooks
- New in Kedro this Month!
- Getting Started with Kedro
- Introducing Kedro - The Open Source Library for Production-Ready Machine Learning Code
- Kedro: A New Tool For Data Science
- Deploying and Versioning Data Pipelines at Scale
- (kedro) Kedro 0.16.0 was just Released! - Release notes (features) of Kedro 0.16.0 explained.
- (kedro) What is Kedro? Why is it useful? A Non-Technical Intro to Kedro - An intro for management people.
- Creating Shared Catalogs for your Kedro Projects on GitHub
- Deployable REST Enabled Data Pipelines with Flask, Docker, Kedro
- How to begin writing tests for your Pipelines
- How To Customize Your Kedro CLI Options
- How to Get/Write Data from/to a SQL Database - Use
. - How to Lazily Evaluate Chunks of a Big Pandas DataFrame
- How to Setup PySpark for your Kedro Pipeline
- Kedro Great: Use Great Expectations with Ease! - Show how to use kedro-great to e.g. validate data container meta data (columns, etc.).
- Stackoverflow (tag:kedro)
- kedro-plugin topic on GitHub
- #kedro tag on dev.to
- kedro-community github repo