ctx - A minimal but opinionated dict/object combo (like Bunch).
The ctx module should work with all versions of Python.
The ctx module provides the Ctx class which is a subclass of the python 'dict' object.
Ctx modifies 'dict' in the following ways:
1 The dictionary items can be read or set using attribute access notation.
'ctx.a' is identical to 'ctx["a"]' and 'ctx.a = 5' is identical to 'ctx["a"] = 5'2 The objects attributes can be read using item access notation.
'ctx["__doc__"]' is identical to 'ctx.__doc__'3 The objects attributes can not be set under any circumstances.
4 The dictionary can not have a key with the same name as an objects attribute.
'ctx.name' and 'ctx["name"]' are resolved using the following three steps.
- if the object has an attribute 'name' then return the attribute.
b) if the dictionary has a key 'name' then return the value associated with the key.
- raise LookupError.
'ctx.name = 5' and 'ctx["name"] = 5'
- If name is an attribute of the class then raise AttributeError.
- set the dictionary item as usual.
You can install this package using pip with the following command.
pip install ctx
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