A very small JavaScript library, easily triggered a text to speech conversion using Web Speech API. You can use it when offline.
Support for Web Speech API speech synthesis is still getting there across mainstream browsers, and is currently limited to the following:
- Firefox desktop and mobile support it in Gecko 42+ (Windows)/44+, without prefixes.
- Firefox OS 2.5+ supports it, by default, and without the need for any permissions.
- Chrome for Desktop and Android have supported it since around version 33, without prefixes.
For more information, check here.
- Set the language of the utterance.
- Set the pitch at which the utterance will be spoken at.
- Set the speed at which the utterance will be spoken at.
- Set the text that will be synthesised when the utterance is spoken.
- Set the volume that the utterance will be spoken at.
npm i text-to-speech-offline
Format to use this library:
TTS(string, language, volume, rate, pitch)
Basic usage with default configuration:
- Indonesian language of the Utterance
- Volume: 1 (0.1 - 1)
- Rate: 1 (0.5 - 2)
- Pitch: 1 (0 - 2)
import TTS from 'text-to-speech-offline'
<button onClick={() => TTS("Apa kabar?")}> Speak </button>