PyTorch original implementation of "Unsupervised Question Decomposition for Question Answering" (EMNLP 2020).
TL;DR: We decompose hard (multi-hop) questions into several, easier (single-hop) questions using unsupervised learning. Our decompositions improve multi-hop QA on HotpotQA without requiring extra supervision to decompose questions.
contains the code to train (Unsupervised) Seq2Seq models, based on the code from XLM.
We made the following changes/additions:
- Unsupervised stopping criterion
- Tensorboard logging
- Data preprocessing scripts
- Minor bug fixes from original XLM code
- When initializing a smaller Seq2Seq model with XLM_en pretrained weights, automatically initialize the encoder with the first XLM_en layer weights and the decoder with the remaining layer weights.
contains the code to train question answering models (single-hop and multi-hop), based on the code from transformers. We made the following additions:
- Scripts/notebooks to preprocess data
- Additions to evaluation to handle/evaluate on HotpotQA (i.e., extend single-paragraph SQuAD implementation to multi-paragraph setting)
10/2020: Update! added additional data and resources:
- Simple and multihop mined questions
- Multihop QA model checkpoints
- MLM pretraining data
- Unsupervised MT training data
Create an anaconda3 environment (we used anaconda3 version 5.0.1):
conda create -y -n UnsupervisedDecomposition python=3.7
conda activate UnsupervisedDecomposition
# Install PyTorch 1.0. We used CUDA 10.0 (with NCCL/2.4.7-1) (see to install with other CUDA versions):
conda install -y pytorch=1.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
conda install faiss-gpu cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch # For CUDA 10.0
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg # Download Spacy model for NER
If your hardware supports half-precision (fp16), you can install NVIDIA apex to speed up QA model training.
Also, set the MAIN_DIR
variable to point to the main directory for this repo, e.g.:
export MAIN_DIR=/path/to/UnsupervisedDecomposition
once, to download/prepare the necessary files for decomposition and question answering training, e.g.:
bash --main_dir $MAIN_DIR
See below to train a decomposition model, or skip to "QA Model Training" to train a question answering model given our trained decomposition model (XLM/dumped/umt.dev1.pseudo_decomp.replace_entity_by_type/20639223/best-valid_mlm_ppl.pth
You can view our generations from the model in the downloaded files XLM/dumped/umt.dev1.pseudo_decomp.replace_entity_by_type/20639223/{train|valid}
Create pseudo-decomposition training data using FastText embeddings and entity replacement using
, e.g.:
bash --main_dir $MAIN_DIR
Then, train an Unsupervised Seq2Seq model as follows (initializing from our pre-trained MLM model):
# Set the following parameters based on your hardware
export NPROC_PER_NODE=8 # Use 1 for single-GPU training
export N_NODES=1 # Use >1 for multi-node training (where each node has NPROC_PER_NODE GPUs)
BS=32 # Make batch size smaller if GPU goes out-of-memory. Effective batch size is BS*NPROC_PER_NODE*N_NODES
# Select an MLM initialization checkpoint (for now, let's load the MLM we already pre-trained)
# Train USeq2Seq model
if [[ $NPROC_PER_NODE -gt 1 ]]; then DIST_OPTS="-m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NPROC_PER_NODE"; else DIST_OPTS=""; fi
NUM_TRAIN=`wc -l < data/umt/$DATA_FOLDER/processed/`
python $DIST_OPTS --exp_name umt.$DATA_FOLDER --data_path data/umt/$DATA_FOLDER/processed --dump_path ./dumped/ --reload_model "$MLM_INIT,$MLM_INIT" --encoder_only false --emb_dim 2048 --n_layers 6 --n_heads 16 --dropout 0.1 --attention_dropout 0.1 --gelu_activation true --use_lang_emb true --lgs 'mh-sh' --ae_steps 'mh,sh' --bt_steps 'mh-sh-mh,sh-mh-sh' --stopping_criterion 'valid_mh-sh-mh_mt_effective_goods_back_bleu,2' --validation_metrics 'valid_mh-sh-mh_mt_effective_goods_back_bleu' --eval_bleu true --epoch_size $((4*NUM_TRAIN/(NPROC_PER_NODE*N_NODES))) --lambda_ae '0:1,100000:0.1,300000:0' --optimizer 'adam_inverse_sqrt,beta1=0.9,beta2=0.98,lr=0.00003' --tokens_per_batch 1024 --batch_size $BS --word_shuffle 3 --word_dropout 0.1 --word_blank 0.1 --max_len 128 --bptt 128 --save_periodic 0 --split_data true --validation_weight 0.5
New: to train UMT with the same data we used, download our splits here
Alternatively, you can train a standard Seq2Seq model as follows:
export NPROC_PER_NODE=8 # Use 1 for single-GPU training
export N_NODES=1 # Use >1 for multi-node training (where each node has NPROC_PER_NODE GPUs)
BS=128 # Make batch size smaller if GPU goes out-of-memory. Effective batch size is BS*NPROC_PER_NODE*N_NODES
if [[ $NPROC_PER_NODE -gt 1 ]]; then DIST_OPTS="-m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NPROC_PER_NODE"; else DIST_OPTS=""; fi
mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
python $DIST_OPTS --exp_name mt.$DATA_FOLDER --data_path $DATA_PATH --dump_path ./dumped/ --reload_model "$MLM_INIT,$MLM_INIT" --encoder_only false --emb_dim 2048 --n_layers 6 --n_heads 16 --dropout 0.1 --attention_dropout 0.1 --gelu_activation true --use_lang_emb true --lgs 'mh-sh' --mt_steps 'mh-sh,sh-mh' --stopping_criterion 'valid_mh-sh_mt_bleu,2' --validation_metrics 'valid_mh-sh_mt_bleu' --eval_bleu true --epoch_size $((2*NUM_TRAIN/(NPROC_PER_NODE*N_NODES))) --optimizer 'adam_inverse_sqrt,beta1=0.9,beta2=0.98,lr=0.0001' --tokens_per_batch 1024 --batch_size $BS --max_len 128 --bptt 128 --split_data true
You can also use the trained Seq2Seq model checkpoint as the pre-trained initialization (MLM_INIT
) for USeq2Seq training, as our Curriculum Seq2Seq approach does (see Appendix).
New: Download MLM pretraining data here
To pre-train your own MLM initialization (used as MLM_INIT
), use the below commands:
# Set the following parameters based on your hardware
export NPROC_PER_NODE=8 # Use 1 for single-GPU training
export N_NODES=8 # Use >1 for multi-node training (where each node has NPROC_PER_NODE GPUs)
# Copy XLM's English pre-trained MLM weights, which we use to initialize our MLM training
mv mlm_en_2048.pth dumped/xlm_en/
# MLM pre-training (on same data as above)
if [[ $NPROC_PER_NODE -gt 1 ]]; then DIST_OPTS="-m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NPROC_PER_NODE"; else DIST_OPTS=""; fi
NUM_TRAIN=`wc -l < data/umt/$DATA_FOLDER/processed/`
# For fp16: Add "--fp16 true --amp 1" below
python $DIST_OPTS --exp_name mlm.$DATA_FOLDER --data_path data/umt/$DATA_FOLDER/processed --dump_path ./dumped/ --reload_model 'dumped/xlm_en/mlm_en_2048.pth' --emb_dim 2048 --n_layers 12 --n_heads 16 --dropout 0.1 --attention_dropout 0.1 --gelu_activation true --use_lang_emb true --lgs 'mh-sh' --clm_steps '' --mlm_steps 'mh,sh' --stopping_criterion '_valid_mlm_ppl,0' --validation_metrics '_valid_mlm_ppl' --epoch_size $EPOCH_SIZE --optimizer "adam_inverse_sqrt,lr=0.00003,beta1=0.9,beta2=0.98,weight_decay=0,warmup_updates=$((EPOCH_SIZE/EFFECTIVE_BS))" --batch_size $BS --max_len 128 --bptt 128 --accumulate_gradients 1 --word_pred 0.15 --sample_alpha 0
With a trained decomposition model, we can generate decompositions for multi-hop questions (train and valid sets), and train a question answering model to use the decompositions (below we use our pre-trained decomposition model which you downloaded):
# Generate decompositions
# Point to model directory (change the final directory number/string/id below to match the directory string from the previous Unsupervised Seq2Seq training command)
MODEL_NO="$(echo $MODEL_DIR | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev)"
for SPLIT in valid train; do
# Note: Decrease batch size below if GPU goes out of memory
cat data/umt/all/processed/$ | python --exp_name translate --src_lang mh --tgt_lang sh --model_path $MODEL_DIR/best-valid_mh-sh-mh_mt_effective_goods_back_bleu.pth --output_path $MODEL_DIR/$ --batch_size 48 --beam_size $BEAM --length_penalty $LP --sample_temperature $ST
# Convert Sub-Qs to SQUAD format
cd $MAIN_DIR/pytorch-transformers
for SPLIT in valid train; do
python --model_dir $MODEL_DIR --data_folder all --sample_temperature $ST --beam $BEAM --length_penalty $LP --seed $SEED --split $SPLIT --new_data_format
# Answer sub-Qs
for SPLIT in "dev" "train"; do
for NUM_PARAGRAPHS in 1 3; do
# For fp16: Add "--fp16 --fp16_opt_level O2" below
python examples/ --model_type roberta --model_name_or_path roberta-large --train_file $DATA_FOLDER/train.json --predict_file $DATA_FOLDER/$SPLIT.json --do_eval --do_lower_case --version_2_with_negative --output_dir checkpoint/roberta_large.hotpot_easy_and_squad.num_paragraphs=$NUM_PARAGRAPHS --per_gpu_train_batch_size 64 --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 32 --learning_rate 1.5e-5 --max_query_length 234 --max_seq_length 512 --doc_stride 50 --num_shards 1 --seed 0 --max_grad_norm inf --adam_epsilon 1e-6 --adam_beta_2 0.98 --weight_decay 0.01 --warmup_proportion 0.06 --num_train_epochs 2 --write_dir $DATA_FOLDER/$NUM_PARAGRAPHS --no_answer_file
# Ensemble sub-answer predictions
for SPLIT in "dev" "train"; do
python --seeds_list 1 3 --no_answer_file --split $SPLIT --preds_file1 data/hotpot.umt.all.model=$$ST.beam=$BEAM.lp=$LP.seed=$SEED/{}/nbest_predictions_$SPLIT.json
# Add sub-questions and sub-answers to QA input
FLAGS="--atype sentence-1-center --subq_model roberta-large-np=1-3 --use_q --use_suba --use_subq"
python --subqs_dir data/hotpot.umt.all.model=$$ST.beam=$BEAM.lp=$LP.seed=$SEED --splits train dev --num_shards 1 --model_dir $MODEL_DIR --sample_temperature $ST --beam $BEAM --length_penalty $LP --seed $SEED --subsample_data --use_easy --use_squad $FLAGS
# Train QA model
export NGPU=8 # Set based on number of available GPUs
if [ $NGPU -gt 1 ]; then DIST_OPTS="-m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=$NGPU"; else DIST_OPTS=""; fi
if [ $NGPU -gt 1 ]; then EVAL_OPTS="--do_eval"; else EVAL_OPTS=""; fi
export MASTER_PORT=$(shuf -i 12001-19999 -n 1)
# For fp16: Add "--fp16 --fp16_opt_level O2" below
python $DIST_OPTS examples/ --model_type roberta --model_name_or_path roberta-large --train_file data/$TN/train.json --predict_file data/$TN/dev.json --do_train $EVAL_OPTS --do_lower_case --version_2_with_negative --output_dir $OUTPUT_DIR --per_gpu_train_batch_size $((64/NGPU)) --per_gpu_eval_batch_size 32 --learning_rate 1.5e-5 --master_port $MASTER_PORT --max_query_length 234 --max_seq_length 512 --doc_stride 50 --num_shards 1 --seed $RANDOM_SEED --max_grad_norm inf --adam_epsilon 1e-6 --adam_beta_2 0.98 --weight_decay 0.01 --warmup_proportion 0.06 --num_train_epochs 2 --overwrite_output_dir
New: our trained multihop model checkpoints are available here:
We can also create pseudo-decompositions using other embedding methods aside from FastText, as described in the Appendix.
To do so, use the functions in pytorch-transformers/pseudoalignment/pseudo_decomp_{paired_random|fasttext|tfidf|bert|variable}.py
, e.g., by running:
python pseudoalignment/ \
--split train # decompose the hotpotQA training question
--min_q_len 4 # minimum length of short questions (tokens)
--max_q_len 20 # maximum length of short questions (tokens)
--beam_size 100 # subset of short questions to search exhaustively over for each complex question
--data_folder data/umt/decomposition_name # path to dump the results to
The different pseudo-decomposition methods are:
- decompose using bag of fasttext
- randomly pair short questions (for ablations/comparisons)
- decompose using bag of tfidf
- decompose using bag of facttext vectors, but using a variable number of subquestions (see Appendix)
- decompose using bert embeddings (requires generating the bert embeddings first
- decompose using bert NSP embeddings (not in the paper) (requires generating the bert embeddings first
To train a decomposition model to generate a variable number of sub-questions, you'll need to make the following changes:
- Train on variable-length pseudo-decompositions, created using
python pseudoalignment/
(see above). - Use a version of the unsupervised stopping criterion which only counts bad decompositions as those with
sub-questions (as opposed toN!=2
sub-questions). Simply add the flag--one_to_variable
when training (Unsupervised) Seq2Seq models withXLM/
. - Have the single-hop QA model answer an arbitrary number of sub-questions, instead of a maximum of 2 sub-questions. Simply add
to theFLAGS
variable used in the "QA Model Training" section earlier.
Data mined from common crawl using our fasttext classifiers can be found here
title={Unsupervised Question Decomposition for Question Answering},
author={Ethan Perez and Patrick Lewis and Wen-tau Yih and Kyunghyun Cho and Douwe Kiela},
See the LICENSE file for more details.