GPS implementation in C++ using RP2040 with SSD1306 OLED display
For some time I have been experimenting with GPS modules and NMEA sentence parsing. Originally I designed the project using Micropython, but have more recently developed this C++ implementation by creating modules to abstract the GPS module, an LED for indication, and a display device.
Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040-based microcontroller with UART and I2C ports, along with a simple 3.3 volt GPS module (in this implementation it's an AdaFruit GPS Breakout board), and in this case a 128x64 SSD1306 OLED display. The LED can be onboard the microcontroller or external.
Make sure to specify the correct board in the top level CMakeLists.txt; in this implementation the Raspberry Pi Pico, Pico W, SeeedStudio XIAO RP2040 and Waveshare RP2040-Zero have been tested. WS2812 LEDs are supported, as well as onboard and GPIO-connected simple LEDs.
I also have a separate TFT implementation that uses an ili9341 320x240 color display, allowing more graphical information to be displayed.
Software Requirements
This implementation uses the Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 controller C++ SDK:
In main.cpp the required abstraction objects are created, and the program reads NMEA 0183 sentences from the GPS UART port.
The data is correlated and displayed in textual and graphical form on the display. For the SSD1306 it displays the latitude, longitude, altitude, GMT time and an indication of the number of satellites and fix type. A graphical representation of the satellite positions is displayed as well.
An LED blinks to indicate the presence of a fix. If a WS2812 LED is available, colors are used to indicate additional information, e.g. blink red for no fix, green for a fix using the GPS module onboard antenna, blue for external antenna; customization may be needed for the specific GPS module and LED.