MrZealot fork notes: copied this because MakerJS still outputs V1 JSCAD code, and this lib is perfect for STL conversion.
Sadly, its dependencies are not only out of date, but xmldom
actually triggers npm's audit system.
Fortunately, tho, xmldom
is only needed for formats I'm not interested in, so I'm forking this (and its dependent @jscad/io
package) to remove the unnecessary formats, and fix npm audit
No other, functional change takes place.
All credit to the original authors.
This package is a metapackage and includes all the input/output format handling for the jscad projects, and can also be used separately.
ie: file data => jscad code (that can be evaluated to CSG/CAG)
note : currently serializers & deserializers are NOT symetrical as deserializers do not generate CSG/CAG objects
Following formats are supported as inputs
ie: CSG/CAG => blob
Following formats are supported as outputs
npm install @jscad/io
- as Node module :
const io = require('@jscad/io')
For questions about the API, please contact the User Group
PRs accepted.
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