As of 10 Jan 2019 (v3.4.3), the build mechanism for this image has changed from the historical method to using multi-stage builds, which has several advantages for the image maintainers. This change should NOT impact image users, but please test and validate your deployment before pushing the new image directly into production. If you do find issues, please submit them at
This Docker image contains a deployed Shibboleth IdP 3.4.3 running on OpenJDK-based Zulu 8 Update 212 and Jetty 9.3.27 running on the latest CentOS 7 base. This image is a base image and should be used to set the configuration with local changes.
Every component (Java, Jetty, Shibboleth IdP, and extensions) in this image is verified using cryptographic hashes obtained from each vendor and stored in the Dockerfile
directly. This makes the build essentially deterministic.
A working example of how this image can be used can be found at
Currently maintained tags:
- lastest: master branch
- 3.4.3 - The latest 3.4.3 image
There are also date-based tags tied to versions to allow users to maintain consistency between minor changes, such as Jetty or Java version upgrades. See for details.
Retired tags:
- 3.4.2 - The latest 3.4.2 image
- 3.4.1 - The latest 3.4.1 image
- 3.4.0 - The latest 3.4.0 image
- 3.3.3 - The latest 3.3.3 image
- 3.3.2 - The latest 3.3.2 image
- 3.3.1 - The latest 3.3.1 image
- 3.3.0 - The latest 3.3.0 image
- 3.2.1 - The latest 3.2.1 image
- 3.2.0 - The latest 3.2.0 image
- 3.1.2 - The latest 3.1.2 image
Retired tags contain a valid version of the IdP, but are no longer rev'd when new Java and Jetty releaseds are made. Other tags may exists but either are no longer maintained or are not considered production ready.
Assuming that you do not already have one, create your initial IdP configuration by run with:
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/ext-mount --rm unicon/shibboleth-idp
This downloads the base image, if it does not already exists, creates a temporary container, and exports the new configuration to the local (Docker Host) file system. After the process completes, the temporary Docker container is deleted as it is no longer needed.
The files in the customized-shibboleth-idp/
directory are your IdP specific files. Safe guard them, especially the credentials/
directory. You will apply these files to the IdP base image in your own custom image.
Also, included are directories that one would often customized, such as the images, css, and page templates themselves. The baseline files have been exported and can be modified.
This image expects to find the TLS certificate and key for browser based communication in /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/idp-browser.p12
. This certificate can be self-signed or be signed by a commerical certificate authority. If signed by the later, the appropriate intermediate certificate(s) should be included in the .p12 file. The appopriate openssl
commands can be found on The container will not start without this file.
Changes to the key store type, location, etc. can be changed by modifying shib-jetty-base/etc/jetty-ssl-context.xml
To create a sample keystore, use:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem
openssl x509 -text -noout -in certificate.pem
openssl pkcs12 -inkey key.pem -in certificate.pem -export -out idp-browser.p12
Move the idp-browser.p12
file into the credentials
You can use this image as a base image for one's own IdP deployment. Assuming that you have a layout with your configuration, credentials, and war customizations (see above). The directory structure could look like:
|-- .dockerignore
|-- Dockerfile
|-- shibboleth-idp/
| |-- conf/
| | |-- attribute-filter.xml
| | |-- attribute-resolver.xml
| | |-- credentials.xml
| | |--
| | |--
| | |-- login.config
| | |-- metadata-providers.xml
| | |-- relying-party.xml
| | |-- services.xml
| |-- credentials/
| | |-- idp-backchannel.crt
| | |-- idp-backchannel.p12
| | |-- idp-browser.p12
| | |-- idp-encryption.crt
| | |-- idp-encryption.key
| | |-- idp-signing.crt
| | |-- idp-signing.key
| | |-- sealer.jks
| | |-- sealer.kver
| |-- metadata/
| | |-- idp-metadata.xml
| | |-- [sp metadatafiles]
| |-- webapp/
| | |-- images/
| | | |-- dummylogo-mobile.png
| | | |-- dummylogo.png
| | |-- WEB-INF/
| | | |-- web.xml
| |-- views/
| | | |-- login.vm
| | | |-- logout.vm
Next, assuming you create a Dockerfile similar to this example:
FROM unicon/shibboleth-idp
MAINTAINER <your_contact_email>
ADD shibboleth-idp/ /opt/shibboleth-idp/
The dependant image can be built by running:
docker pull centos:centos7
docker build --tag="<org_id>/shibboleth-idp:<version>" .
This will download the base image from the Docker Hub repository. Next, your files are overlaid replacing the base image's counter-parts.
Now, execute the new/customized image:
$ docker run -d --name="shib-local-test" <org_id>/shibboleth-idp
This is the base command-line used to start the container. The container will likely fail to initialize if this limited command-line is used. You'll likely need to specify additional parameters to start-up the IdP.
Start the IdP will take several parameters. The following parameters can be specified when run
ning a new IdP container:
The image exposes two ports. 4443
is the for standard browser-based TLS communication. 8443
is the backchannel TLS communication port. These ports will need to be mapped to the Docker host so that communication can occur.
: Used to indicate that the Docker Service should map all exposed container ports to ephemeral host ports. Usedocker ps
to see the mappings.-p <host>:<container>
: Explicitly maps the host ports to the container's exposed ports. This parameters can be used multiple times to map multiple sets of ports.-p 443:4443
would make the IdP accessible onhttps://<docker_host_ip>/idp/
The container will use environmental variables to control IdP functionality at runtime. Currently there are 3 such variables that can be set from the docker run
: The password for the browser TLS p12 key store (/opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/idp-browser.p12
). Defaults tochangeme
: The password for the browser TLS p12 key store (/opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials/idp-backchannel.p12
). Defaults tochangeme
.-e JETTY_MAX_HEAP=<2048m>
: Specifies the maximum heap sized used by Jetty's child process to run the IdP application.
The IdP container does not explicitally need any volumes mapped for operation, but the option does exist using the following format:
-v <hostDir>:<containerDir>
It maybe desirable to map things like /opt/shibboleth-idp/logs
or /opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials
to host-side storage.
There are a few things that implementors should be aware of.
Some adopters will not want to include their secrets (key files and passwords) in their customized images. This image has been enhanced to faciliate externalizing those and connecting them in at runtime.
To do this, you will NOT want to include the credentials
directory in your image. Put that directory on the Docker host. When starting the container specify -v <Host_credentials_directory>:/opt/shibboleth-idp/credentials
. This will mount the local credentials directory into the image.
To extract out passwords, you'll want to modify the conf/
file, by moving sensitive entries out of the file and into a file named
. Save the
files onto the docker host into their own directory. Also, change the conf/
's idp.additionalProperties
setting to look something like:
# Load any additional property resources from a comma-delimited list
idp.additionalProperties= /ext-conf/, /ext-conf/, /conf/, /conf/
Note the /ext-conf/ changes/additions in the property.
This tells the IdP to look into the /opt/shibboleth-idp/ext-conf/
directory for the
files. To mount the ext-conf directory, add -v <Host_ext-config_directory>:/opt/shibboleth-idp/ext-conf
to the start-up parameters.
When the container starts up, if the /opt/shibboleth-idp/ext-conf/
file is found the TLS key files passwords will be read from the file as properties: jetty.sslContext.keyStorePassword
(browser) and jetty.backchannel.sslContext.keyStorePassword
(backchannel). This will preclude needing to specify them via the -e
Jetty Logs and Shibboleth IdP's idp-process.log
are redirected to the console and are exposed via the docker logs
command and other Docker logging methods.
Removing the /opt/shib-jetty-base/etc/jetty-logging.xml
(or setting it to your own configuration) will cause Jetty's default behavior to occur. Restoring the IdP's baseline logback.xml
via overlaying will cause the default IdP file logging behavior to occur.
$ docker build --tag="<org_id>/shibboleth-idp"
Instructions for things like using the Oracle JVM and JCE with this image can be found at
This project was developed as part of Unicon's Open Source Support program, which is funded by our program subscribers. Professional support/integration assistance for this module is available. For more information, visit
- John Gasper ([email protected])
The contents of the built image are subject to their respective licenses. The following applies license applies to the Docker-based project files:
Copyright 2019 Unicon, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.