PHP implementation of the SIMONA IT Tool's public API
This package is recommended to be installed using composer.
$ composer require emg-systems/simona-api-client-php
// Using composer.json
"require": {
"emg-systems/simona-api-client-php": "^1.0.0"
This package contains PHPUnit tests covering all the implemented endpoints of the API.
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit test --configuration .phpunit.xml --coverage-text
// Create an instance of the API client
$client = new Client();
// Load monitoring sites in Hungary
$monitoringSites = $client->monitoringSites('hu');
// Load water quality status at the first monitoring site
$waterQuality = $client->waterQuality($monitoringSites[0]->thematicId);
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Bese Pál, EMG Group
This project is distributed under GPL-3.0 - see the LICENCE file for details.