TypeScript data lenses for extracting and validating data.
This package provides a get
function that can run 1-n lense functions against a given data object and return a promise to an array of values containing the result of each lense.
const [a, b, c] = await get(
Each lense is a function that takes will receive the data object passed to get
and return either a value or a Promise
to a value.
NOTE: The implementation details of each
is really up to the provider. They might throw exceptions, set defaults, etc. It is really up to the caller ofget
to be familiar with the particular lenses that are used. There are also a few lense implementations provided with this library.
npm install --save @tsutil/lenses
Lenses are functions that take a data object and return either a value or a Promise
to a value.
type Lense<V> = (data: any) => V | Promise<V>;
Here's an example using the required
lense factory provided with this lib:
// setup 2 lense factories for required fields
const string = required('string');
const number = required('number');
// create our actual lense functions
const nameLense = string('name');
const ageLense = number('age');
const validData = {
name: 'jane doe',
age: 23
// extract data from our fields
const [name, age]: [string, number] = await get(
Each lense will enforce the corresponding required field, so the following will throw an exception:
const invalidData = {
name: 'jane doe'
await get(
ageLense, // this will throw an exception since no age field exists
Lenses can also return promises, and they will be resolved into the result of get
// 2 lenses returning promises to propery values
const getName = (data: any) => Promise.resolve(data['name']);
const getAge = (data: any) => Promise.resolve(data['age']);
const data = {
name: 'john doe',
age: 23
const [name, age]: [string, number] = await get(