revel_mgo is a code generator for Revel web framework with Mongodb database. It is mainly focus for RESTFul API. revel_mgo can setup mongodb in your revel project easily and it is using "" for mongo databse driver. It can also generate models and controllers for your RESTFul API with revel framework.
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/path/to/revel_mgo
go install revel_mgo
revel_mgo mgo:setup
Add following code in your app.conf file and change your database configuration.
mongo.database = database_name
mongo.path = localhost
mongo.maxPool = 20
Add following code in your init.go
func initApp() {
Config, err := revel.LoadConfig("app.conf")
if err != nil || Config == nil {
mongodb.MaxPool = revel.Config.IntDefault("mongo.maxPool", 0)
mongodb.PATH,_ = revel.Config.String("mongo.path")
mongodb.DBNAME, _ = revel.Config.String("mongo.database")
Add this code under your init function of init.go file