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Releases: edgeware-network/edgeware-node


27 Oct 20:27
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Edgeware node v4.0.2 based on Polkadot v0.9.19

Important: if you are currently running 4.0.1, an upgrade to 4.0.2 is safe, but not required unless you intend to force the native runtime.

New changes since v4.0.1:

  • Includes a runtime fix for an edge case found by KDPNETSTAKE. Know more here
🏋️ Runtime Size:           1.17 MB (1225615 bytes)
🗜 Compressed:             Yes (76.96%)
🎁 Metadata version:       V14
🗳️ system.setCode hash:    0xac68e8a560957c6531bc611aecfe1d0d6443a7e492beb2d20b3b6186c941a90d
🗳️ authorizeUpgrade hash:  0x8e2f477b303a5a148346113fb1e2bda60952e54c4e7f4b548548940fbc87efd7
🗳️ Blake2-256 hash:        0xcefb75cc2fbdd2d27dc8814fd998e164e5e167a1bbee72e3c9c124d3fcf72819
📦 IPFS:                   QmesjBqwLid5qKaD5NEcPczM9YrcyW13HdT14ArExtkv3B


18 Oct 05:39
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Edgeware node v4.0.1 based on Polkadot v0.9.19

New changes since v4.0.0 RC1:

  • Ported consensus transition logic to the new substrate convention. {Block #14555555 will be the switch. It should ideally happen after the runtime upgrade v4.0.1 on the mainnet.} [Huge thanks to KDPnetstake for finding the critical node client bug on the previous Beresheet v4 testnet and @paritytech for dedicating time & resources to fixing it on the substrate level itself.]
  • Amended the testnet block trigger to span two eras with the old consensus before switching to the new one.


27 Sep 18:03
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Edgeware node v4.0.0 based on Polkadot v0.9.19


  • Migrated the codebase to substrate v4 (polkadot-v0.9.19 branch).
  • Fixed the vote conviction delay by reverting from one day to one week.
  • Updated EdgeEVM and fixed known issues (gas metering can be optimised in the later stages).
  • Added a storage migration to refund the web3 foundation wallet.

(If your existing chainspec has a mention of "lightSyncState", please remove that line.)

ERUP 5 v3.5.1

28 Jul 15:41
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ERUP 5 v3.5.1 Pre-release

Erup-5 upgrade

Upgrade metadata from v13 to v14
Remove older dependencies and the old dependency structure
Upgrade to native substrate decencies(directly from parity) to polkadot-v19
Frontier has been upgraded to polkadot-v19
LightSyncClient deprecated
New Client node storage(Storage V2), rpc and Node host functions
Upgraded Rust-toolchain and upgrade to Rust 2021 format

Upgrade your node by:

  • Getting the new compiled node/the target/release/edgeware binary
  • Open your chainspec, if you have a line that says "lightSyncState", remove that
  • Start the node
# subwasm info target/release/wbuild/edgeware-runtime/edgeware_runtime.wasm 
Running subwasm v0.18.0
🏋️  Runtime size:                5.498 MB (5,764,922 bytes)
🗜  Compressed:                  No
✨ Reserved meta:                OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:             V14
🔥 Core version:                 edgeware-52 (edgeware-node-52.tx2.au16)
🗳️  system.setCode hash:         0x3c69d043e7d4678634c520df6fbc68bae65e2fe9a480fbd59375833534c476ca
🗳️  authorizeUpgrade hash:       0x841b94c4dff2d777a6cfd73f78844592369cdf4761251db0a7b7289f71d190c7
#️⃣  Blake2-256 hash:             0xf79ed0124ae08bab726b78520e9dc3bd9ee3eb2989c77baffd6394a4556b9adb
📦 IPFS:               

Download the pre-compiled files:

Or manually compile it:

$ git clone & cd edgeware-node/ & git checkout erup-5-latest & cargo build --release 

Wako 3.3.3 Runtime Upgrade

14 Sep 17:00
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Wako release v3.3.3

The 3.3.3 release includes an update to Substrate 3.0 and the update of the Edgeware runtime to provide a lot of new functionality. Both 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 client software are identical, the difference between 3.3.2 and 3.3.3 is that 3.3.3 exposes Token pallet calls.

This release is largely reproduced and updated from


Substrate Version
This runtime is upgraded to Subtrate 3.0.


  • Remove chainbridge modules
  • Update Frontier EVM pallets.
  • Update Substrate pallets.
  • Add NFT pallets (ORML / NFT)
  • Add tokens / currencies pallet (based off orml w/ added pallet_assets-like functionality)
  • Expose Token pallet calls


  • New feature flag frontier-block-import to be used for using the FrontierBlockImport (not to be used if syncing from scratch)
  • Add Frontier EVM gas estimation feature
  • Add Frontier EVM RPCs from Moonbeam (debug, txpool, trace)
  • Update bootnode Libp2p addresses


  • Added new precompiles
  • Parameters
  • Extend bounty update period to 30 days. Curators only need to update the chain with progress every 30 days.


If you are syncing from scratch you should not build your node with frontier-block-import as this will cause the node to fail to sync. Instead you should build normally and sync normally. The behavior of your node should not change at all due to this change (in face Wei has told me the frontier block import is a bit useless atm).

SRTool Output for Verification

  gen: 'srtool v0.9.12',
  src: 'git',
  version: '3.3.3',
  commit: 'ce7500df0f2fe6984143f699a3e4f9ebbbe24476',
  tag: 'v3.3.3',
  branch: 'HEAD',
  rustc: 'rustc 1.54.0-nightly (657bc0188 2021-05-31)',
  pkg: 'edgeware-runtime',
  tmsp: '2021-06-29T21:47:32Z',
  size: '3686992',
  prop: '0x6d7e6406759eeef4792fcd0e5d8716d6f15e3f4d8a33c2612442f1a8d42fab76',
  ipfs: 'QmdFCnnUG9aFQmuy4GBxjpYHYcWRo9YfVgycX1wF1WYba2',
  sha256: '0x819e2c53cfbc2d6192e333e01f3c5345f075625acb190da333dfbb867f89d6e4',
  wasm: 'node/runtime/target/srtool/release/wbuild/edgeware-runtime/edgeware_runtime.compact.wasm',
  runtimes: {
    compact: {
      tmsp: '2021-06-29T21:46:24Z',
      size: '3686992',
      prop: '0x6d7e6406759eeef4792fcd0e5d8716d6f15e3f4d8a33c2612442f1a8d42fab76',
      blake2_256: '0x5bc1f6600b7de83e8ca4ac2eacd22de1661539ffbdcea629e32b3fb13740124e',
      ipfs: 'QmdFCnnUG9aFQmuy4GBxjpYHYcWRo9YfVgycX1wF1WYba2',
      sha256: '0x819e2c53cfbc2d6192e333e01f3c5345f075625acb190da333dfbb867f89d6e4',
      wasm: '/build/node/runtime/target/srtool/release/wbuild/edgeware-runtime/edgeware_runtime.compact.wasm',
      subwasm: [Object]
    compressed: {}