An array of scripts and projects covering a large spectrum of areas to help speed up development.
Some of the less obvious scripts do have examples, although not all.
I would recommend the tree view extension to peruse the repo more efficiently.
Just some of the features of this repo:
- Design Patterns
- Observer
- PubSub
- Singleton
- State Machine
- AI
- AStar
node based
- Target system
- AStar
- Data structure functions
- Drawing shapes
functions- Converted
functions from Unity Polygon
functions- ...lots more to come
If you're feeling extremely generous, check out my Patreon.
If not, at least try to understand how the code works rather than just CP it into your game!
If you have a few scripts or projects that may be of use to someone else, feel free to make contributions! Suggestions, bug reports and pull requests are welcome. I'll have a ganders and make sure it's high enough quality (unlike the marketplace...)
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the WTFPL (Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License), Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See for more details.