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First programming assignment for our Deep Learning study group implementing Linear Regression and Gradient Descent

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Linear Regression

In this assignment you are going to be implementing and traning a linear regression algorithm. The provided dataset and example is for predicting house prices based on the size of the living area, however you are encouraged to try out other variables and datasets.

The dataset in houses.csv is from Kaggle and contains much more than just living space and house sizes. You can read more about it here:

Your environment

This exercise relies on python with the common libraries numpy and matplotlib. These can be installed using python pip like so:

pip install numpy matplotlib

If you don't have pip installed, see here for information:

If you are struggling with python and numpy, see this tutorial:

The Task

You will be editing and completing the LinearRegression class in as well as tuning your hyperparameters in


The first thing to do is to implement the predict method. This should be straightforward. Remember that the equation for our linear system is

y = wx + b

Cost functions

The next step is to implement the loss and gradient. The equation for the Mean-squared loss is:

J = 1/N ∑(f(X_i, W) - y_i)^2 + lambda*R(W)

Where f is our aforementioned prediction function and N is the number of data points. W is the weights matrix [w b]. Lambda is the regularisation strength and R is our Regularisaion function. Feel free to try others, but start off with Weight Decay R(W) = W.T W

You will also need to calculate the partial derivatives of the loss, L with respect to the two parts of our model, W and b.

Complete the method compute_loss and such that it returns the loss and the gradient dW.

Hint: You may find it easier to write out the separate partial derivatives with respect to W ie. ∂J/∂w and ∂J/∂b, and derive those separately rather than trying to take the derivative of the matrix.

Numpy is optimized for vector operations and as such it's recommended that you write this method using numpy vector optimizations rather than looping over the dataset. It isn't essential to complete this task, however it'll be useful in the future, so best to get some practice in!

If you're proficient with MATLAB or Octave, this should be familiar to you. See the aforementioned python tutorial for more information.

Gradient descent

For a dataset of this size, gradient descent is probably unnecessary with a modern computer that is capable of inverting a large matrix. However, with deep learning and other more complex datasets solving it directly won't be possible and gradient descent will be far more computationally efficient.

Complete the train method using the gradients of the loss to update W and b. Make sure as well to append the calculated loss to the list loss_history, else the visualization won't work!

Training and running

Run the file from the command line like so:


It will load the data from houses.csv and set aside 1/5 your "test data" and the remainder will be used for training.

First it will plot the training data as a scatter point. Press any key to continue

It will then call the appropriate methods to train and run your linear regression model. If it's working you should see a nice exponential decline in your loss and the straight-line produced by your model move towards the best fit.

Once training has finised, press any key to close the visualization. The accuracy of your model will then be printed to the console.


After you've completed your Linear Regression code, running python probably won't work straight away. There are three hyperparameters that you will need to tune: the number of iterations, the learning rate and the regularisation strength. You should find these in

Setting the learning rate can be tricky. What I find works well is to start very low so the loss doesn't decrease at all and then steadily increase the value until you see a good exponential decline in loss.

You may wish to separate some of your training data out in to a validation set and try lots of different hyperparameters and choose the best ones.


If all goes well you should get an accuracy of just under 75%.

Going further

Have a look at the dataset and see if you can find any other linear relationships that you think would yeild better accuracy. If house prices are too boring, try another dataset. Included in here is vgsales.csv - international sales data for videogames. Perhaps train a regression model to predict Japanese sales based on American sales? is a great resource for data sets, so perhaps find something on there that interests you.

Alternatively you could argue that the model is underfitting, so if you're feeling adventurous perhaps try increasing its capacity. You could try a multiple linear regression or a polynomial regression model.

You can use your LinearRegression class as a basis but it'll require some modification.

If you do something cool, share it among the study group!


First programming assignment for our Deep Learning study group implementing Linear Regression and Gradient Descent






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