Save your dotfiles once, deploy them everywhere
Dotdrop makes the management of dotfiles between different hosts easy. It allows to store your dotfiles on git and automagically deploy different versions on different setups.
For example you can have a set of dotfiles for your home laptop and a different set for your office desktop. Those sets may overlap and different versions of the same dotfile can be deployed on different predefined profiles. Another use case is when you have a main set of dotfiles for your everyday's host and a sub-set you only need to deploy to temporary hosts (cloud VM, etc) that may be using a slightly different version of some of the dotfiles.
- Sync once every dotfile on git for different usages
- Allow dotfiles templating by leveraging jinja2
- Comparison between local and stored dotfiles
- Handling multiple profiles with different sets of dotfiles
- Easy import dotfiles
- Handle files and directories
- Associate an action to the deployment of specific dotfiles
- Associate transformations that allow to store encrypted dotfiles
Check also the blog post, the example or how people are using dotdrop for more.
Quick start:
mkdir dotfiles && cd dotfiles
git init
git submodule add
./ --help
There exist many tools to manage dotfiles however not many allow to deploy different versions of the same dotfile on different hosts. Moreover dotdrop allows to specify the set of dotfiles that need to be deployed on a specific profile.
See the example for a concrete example on why dotdrop rocks.
Table of Contents
How to
There's two ways of installing and using dotdrop, either as a submodule to your dotfiles git tree or system-wide with pypi.
Having dotdrop as a submodule guarantees that anywhere your are cloning your dotfiles git tree from you'll have dotdrop shipped with it. It is the recommended way.
Dotdrop is also available on aur:
- stable:
- git version:
The following will create a repository for your dotfiles and keep dotdrop as a submodules:
$ mkdir dotfiles; cd dotfiles
$ git init
$ git submodule add
$ sudo pip3 install -r dotdrop/requirements.txt
$ ./dotdrop/
$ ./ --help
Install the requirements with:
$ sudo pip3 install -r dotdrop/requirements.txt
For MacOS users, make sure to install realpath
through homebrew
(part of coreutils).
Using this solution will need you to work with dotdrop by
using the generated script
at the root
of your dotfiles repository.
Finally import your dotfiles as described below.
Start by installing dotdrop
$ sudo pip3 install dotdrop
And then create a repository for your dotfiles
$ mkdir dotfiles; cd dotfiles
$ git init
To avoid the need to provide the config file path to dotdrop each time it is called, you can create an alias:
alias dotdrop='dotdrop --cfg=<path-to-your-config.yaml>'
Replace any call to
in the documentation below
by dotdrop
if using the pypi solution.
Finally import your dotfiles as described below.
If starting fresh, the import
command of dotdrop
allows to easily and quickly get a running setup.
Install dotdrop on one of your host and then import any dotfiles you want dotdrop to manage (be it a file or a directory):
$ import ~/.vimrc ~/.xinitrc
Dotdrop does two things:
- Copy the dotfiles in the dotfiles directory
- Create the entries in the config.yaml file
Commit and push your changes.
Then go to another host where your dotfiles need to be managed as well, clone the previously setup git tree and compare local dotfiles with the ones stored by dotdrop:
$ list
$ compare --profile=<other-host-profile>
Then adapt any dotfile using the template feature and set a new profile for the current host by simply adding lines in the config files, for example:
- f_vimrc
- f_xinitrc
- f_vimrc
When done, you can install your dotfiles using
$ install
That's it, a single repository with all your dotfiles for your different hosts.
For additional usage see the help:
$ --help
_ _ _
__| | ___ | |_ __| |_ __ ___ _ __
/ _` |/ _ \| __/ _` | '__/ _ \| '_ |
\__,_|\___/ \__\__,_|_| \___/| .__/
dotdrop install [-fndV] [-c <path>] [-p <profile>]
dotdrop import [-ldV] [-c <path>] [-p <profile>] <paths>...
dotdrop compare [-V] [-c <path>] [-p <profile>]
[-o <opts>] [--files=<files>]
dotdrop update [-fdV] [-c <path>] <path>
dotdrop listfiles [-V] [-c <path>] [-p <profile>]
dotdrop list [-V] [-c <path>]
dotdrop --help
dotdrop --version
-p --profile=<profile> Specify the profile to use [default: carbon].
-c --cfg=<path> Path to the config [default: config.yaml].
--files=<files> Comma separated list of files to compare.
-o --dopts=<opts> Diff options [default: ].
-n --nodiff Do not diff when installing.
-l --link Import and link.
-f --force Do not warn if exists.
-V --verbose Be verbose.
-d --dry Dry run.
-v --version Show version.
-h --help Show this screen.
For easy deployment the default profile used by dotdrop reflects the hostname of the host on which it runs.
Simply run
$ install
Use the --profile
switch to specify a profile if not using
the host's hostname.
Compare local dotfiles with dotdrop's defined ones:
$ compare
The diffing is done by diff in the backend, one can provide specific
options to diff using the -o
Dotdrop allows to import dotfiles directly from the filesystem. It will copy the dotfile and update the config file automatically.
For example to import ~/.xinitrc
$ import ~/.xinitrc
$ list
Dotdrop allows to choose which profile to use with the --profile switch if you use something else than the default (the hostname).
The following command lists the different dotfiles configured for a specific profile:
$ listfiles --profile=<some-profile>
For example:
Dotfile(s) for profile "some-profile":
f_vimrc (file: "vimrc", link: False)
-> ~/.vimrc
f_dunstrc (file: "config/dunst/dunstrc", link: False)
-> ~/.config/dunst/dunstrc
It is sometimes useful to execute some kind of action
when deploying a dotfile. For example let's consider
Vundle is used
to manage vim's plugins, the following action could
be set to update and install the plugins when vimrc
vundle: vim +VundleClean! +VundleInstall +VundleInstall! +qall
backup: true
create: true
dotpath: dotfiles
dst: ~/.vimrc
src: vimrc
- vundle
- f_vimrc
Thus when f_vimrc
is installed, the command
vim +VundleClean! +VundleInstall +VundleInstall! +qall
be executed.
Transformation actions are used to transform a dotfile before it is installed. They work like actions but are executed before the dotfile is installed to transform the source.
Transformation commands have two arguments:
- {0} will be replaced with the dotfile to process
- {1} will be replaced with a temporary file to store the result of the transformation
A typical use-case for transformations is when the dotfile needs to be stored encrypted.
Here's an example of part of a config file to use gpg encrypted dotfiles:
dst: ~/.secret
src: secret
- gpg
gpg: gpg2 -q --for-your-eyes-only --no-tty -d {0} > {1}
The above config allows to store the dotfile ~/.secret
encrypted in the dotfiles
directory and uses gpg to decrypt it when install is run.
Here's how to deploy the above solution:
- import the clear dotfile (creates the correct entries in the config file)
./ import ~/.secret
- encrypt the original dotfile
<some-gpg-command> ~/.secret
- overwrite the dotfile with the encrypted version
cp <encrypted-version-of-secret> dotfiles/secret
- edit the config file and add the transformation to the dotfile
- commit and push the changes
Note that transformations cannot be used if the dotfiles is to be linked (link: true
and compare
won't work on dotfiles using transformations.
If used as a submodule, update it with
$ git submodule foreach git pull origin master
$ git add dotdrop
$ git commit -m 'update dotdrop'
$ git push
Through pypi:
$ sudo pip3 install dotdrop --upgrade
Dotfiles managed by dotdrop can be updated using the update
There are two cases:
- the dotfile doesn't use templating: the new version of the dotfile is copied to the
dotfiles directory and overwrites the old version. If git is used to version the dotfiles stored
by dotdrop, the git command
can be used to view the changes. - the dotfile uses templating: the dotfile must be manually updated, the use of
the dotdrop command
can be helpful to identify the changes to apply to the template.
$ update ~/.vimrc
Two solutions exist, the first one using an unversioned file (see Environment variables) and the second using transformations (see Transformations).
The config file (defaults to config.yaml) is a yaml file containing the following entries:
config entry: contains settings for the deployment
: create a backup of the dotfile in case it differs from the one that will be installed by dotdropcreate
: create directory hierarchy when installing dotfiles if it doesn't existdotpath
: path to the directory containing the dotfiles to be managed by dotdrop (absolute path or relative to the config file location)
dotfiles entry: a list of dotfiles
- When
is true, dotdrop will create a symlink instead of copying. Template generation (as in template) is not supported whenlink
is true. actions
contains a list of action keys that need to be defined in the actions entry below.trans
contains a list of transformation keys that need to be defined in the trans entry below.
- When
dst: <where-this-file-is-deployed>
src: <filename-within-the-dotpath>
# Optional
link: <true|false>
- <action-key>
- <transformation-key>
- profiles entry: a list of profiles with the different dotfiles that
need to be managed
: the dotfiles associated to this profileinclude
: include all dotfiles from another profile (optional)
- <some-dotfile-key-name-defined-above>
- <some-other-dotfile-key-name>
- ...
# Optional
- <some-other-profile>
- ...
- actions entry: a list of action
<action-key>: <command-to-execute>
- trans entry: a list of transformations
<trans-key>: <command-to-execute>
To use all defined dotfiles for a profile, simply use
the keyword ALL
For example:
dst: ~/.xinitrc
src: xinitrc
dst: ~/.vimrc
src: vimrc
- f_vimrc
If one profile is using the entire set of another profile, one can use
the include
entry to avoid redundancy.
For example:
- f_xinitrc
- host2
- f_vimrc
Here profile host1 contains all the dotfiles defined for host2 plus f_xinitrc
Dotdrop leverage the power of jinja2 to handle the templating of dotfiles. See jinja2 template doc or the example section for more information on how to template your dotfiles.
Note that dotdrop uses different delimiters than jinja2's defaults:
- block start =
- block end =
- variable start =
- variable end =
- comment start =
- comment end =
{{@@ profile @@}}
contains the profile provided to dotdrop.{{@@ env['MY_VAR'] @@}}
contains environment variables (see Environment variables)
It's possible to access environment variables inside the templates. This feature can be used like this:
{{@@ env['MY_VAR'] @@}}
This allows for storing host-specific properties and/or secrets in environment variables.
You can have an .env
file in the directory where your config.yaml
## My variables for this host
var1="some value"
var2="some other value"
## Some secrets
Of course, this file should not be tracked by git (put it in your .gitignore
Then you can invoke dotdrop with the help of an alias when using dotdrop as a submodule:
alias dotdrop='eval $(grep -v "^#" ~/dotfiles/.env) ~/dotfiles/'
When using dotdrop from pypi or aur, the absolute path to the binary should be used in the alias to avoid recursion issues
alias dotdrop='eval $(grep -v "^#" ~/dotfiles/.env) /usr/bin/dotdrop --cfg=~/dotfiles/config.yaml'
The above aliases load all the variables from ~/dotfiles/.env
(while omitting lines starting with #
) before calling dotdrop.
Let's consider two hosts:
- home: home computer with hostname home
- office: office computer with hostname office
The home computer is running awesomeWM and the office computer bspwm. The .xinitrc file will therefore be different while still sharing some lines. Dotdrop allows to store only one single .xinitrc but to deploy different versions depending on where it is run from.
The following file is the dotfile stored in dotdrop containing jinja2 directives for the deployment based on the profile used.
Dotfile <dotpath>/xinitrc
# load Xresources
if [ -f "$userresources" ]; then
xrdb -merge "$userresources" &
# launch the wm
{%@@ if profile == "home" @@%}
exec awesome
{%@@ elif profile == "office" @@%}
exec bspwm
{%@@ endif @@%}
The if branch will define which part is deployed based on the hostname of the host on which dotdrop is run from.
And here's how the config file looks like with this setup. Of course any combination of the dotfiles (different sets) can be done if more dotfiles have to be deployed.
backup: true
create: true
dotpath: dotfiles
dst: ~/.xinitrc
src: xinitrc
- f_xinitrc
- f_xinitrc
Installing the dotfiles (the --profile
switch is not needed if
the hostname matches the profile entry in the config file):
# on home computer
$ install --profile=home
# on office computer
$ install --profile=office
Comparing the dotfiles:
# on home computer
$ compare
# on office computer
$ compare
For more examples, see how people are using dotdrop:
These are some dotfiles related projects that have inspired me for dotdrop:
See also github does dotfiles
Initially dotdrop was used as a submodule directly in the dotfiles git tree. That solution allows your dotfiles to be shipped along with the tool able to handle them. Dotdrop is however also directly available on pypi.
If you want to keep it as a submodule (recommended), simply do the following
$ cd <dotfiles-directory>
## get latest version of the submodule
$ git submodule foreach git pull origin master
## and stage the changes
$ git add dotdrop
$ git commit -m 'update dotdrop'
## update the bash script wrapper
$ ./dotdrop/
## and stage the change to the script
$ git add
$ git commit -m 'update'
## and finally push the changes upstream
$ git push
Otherwise, simply install it from pypi as explained above and get rid of the submodule as shown below:
- move to the dotfiles directory where dotdrop is used as a submodule
$ cd <dotfiles-repository>
- remove the entire
submodule "dotdrop"
section in.gitmodules
- stage the changes
$ git add .gitmodules
- remove the entire
submodule "dotdrop"
section in.git/config
- remove the submodule
$ git rm --cached dotdrop
- remove the submodule from .git
$ rm -rf .git/modules/dotdrop
- commit the changes
$ git commit -m 'removing dotdrop submodule'
- remove any remaining files from the dotdrop submodule
$ rm -rf dotdrop
- remove
$ git rm
$ git commit -m 'remove script'
- push upstream
$ git push
If you are having trouble installing or using dotdrop, open an issue.
If you want to contribute, feel free to do a PR (please follow PEP8).
This project is licensed under the terms of the GPLv3 license.