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Juniper Junos Pulse VPN with OpenConnect

Louis Peryea edited this page Jun 21, 2016 · 6 revisions

OpenConnect is also a client for Juniper's Junos Pulse SSL VPN.

The required programs to use OpenConnect with a Juniper VPN are

  • ifconfig to bring the tunnel up/down
  • vpnc to set the routing and name services up
  • openconnect
  • juniper-vpn-py to handle the Junos web interface and optional 2-Factor Auth

Since the Junos Pulse support in OpenConnect is experimental, we will need to build from source.

Step 1: Setup Prerequisites (Including packages for juinper-vpn-py & ifconfig)

sudo apt-get install vpnc
sudo chmod a+x+r -R /etc/vpnc
sudo apt-get install libxml2 libxml2-dev gettext make libssl-dev pkg-config libtool autoconf git python-pip net-tools libgnutls-dev 

Step 2: Clone and Build OpenConnect

git clone git://
cd openconnect
autoreconf -iv
sudo make install

Step 3: Setup juniper-vpn-py

sudo pip install mechanize
git clone
cd juniper-vpn-py
sed -i '/ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context/d' ./
sed -i '/ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context/d' ./

Step 4: Add support for resolvconf to /etc/rc.local for automatic DNS update. See

mkdir -p /run/resolvconf/interface
cp /etc/resolv.conf /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf
mv /etc/resolv.conf /run/resolvconf/interface/mlan0
ln -s /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
resolvconf --enable-updates

Okay, you should be ready to rock. If you've encountered errors - please update this wiki with any fixes.

To simplify the VPN connection process you can use a script like the below. Sometimes, the tunnel is not created on the first try. Just escape the script with Ctrl-C if there are errors, and rerun it.


if (ip tuntap add dev tun0 mode tun)
  echo "New tun Created Successfully"
  sleep 4
  echo "Old tun Exists, Need to Cleanup"
  ifconfig tun0 down
  ip tuntap del dev tun0 mode tun
  sleep 4
  ip tuntap add dev tun0 mode tun
  sleep 4

if(ifconfig tun0 up)
  echo "Interface tun0 is up"
  echo "Something went wrong, exiting..."

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/usr/local/lib"

python /home/louis/VPN/juniper-vpn-py/ --host --user louis --stdin DSID=%DSID% openconnect --juniper %HOST% --cookie-on-stdin --interface=tun0

To stop a VPN session, press Ctrl-C and kill the interface (sudo ifconfig tun0 down).

*** Update ***

Please follow the suggestions here to keep your tun alive and safe from Shill

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