DMA AisLib is a Java library for handling AIS messages. This include
- Reading from AIS sources e.g. serial connection, TCP connection or file
- Handling of proprietary source tagging sentences
- Message filtering like doublet filtering and down sampling
- Decoding sentences and AIS messages
- Encoding sentences and AIS messages
- Sending AIS messages #6, #8, #12 and #14
- Handling application specific messages
The library contains test code and utility applications demonstrating the use.
- Java 8
- Maven 3
To build
mvn clean install
To run tests
mvn test
NOTE: Temporary manual build procedure described here: #48 (comment).
Use M2 plugin or
mvn eclipse:eclipse
and import as regular project.
You're encouraged to contribute to AisLib. Fork the code from and submit pull requests.
This library is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
AisLib is available on Maven Repository
Reading an AisMessage from an sentence in code is easily done with the Vdm object whether it it is a single message or multiple.
String aisSentence = "!AIVDM,1,1,,A,181:Jqh02c1Qra`E46I<@9n@059l,0*30";
Vdm vdm = new Vdm();
AisMessage aisMessage = AisMessage.getInstance(vdm);
String aisSentence1 = "!AIVDM,2,1,9,B,53nFBv01SJ<thHp6220H4heHTf2222222222221?50:454o<`9QSlUDp,0*09";
String aisSentence2 = "!AIVDM,2,2,9,B,888888888888880,2*2E";
Vdm vdm = new Vdm();
AisMessage aisMessage = AisMessage.getInstance(vdm);
Reading from files or TCP/UDP connections is very simple with AisLib. In the example below messages are read from a file.
AisReader reader = AisReaders.createReaderFromInputStream(new FileInputStream("sentences.txt"));
reader.registerHandler(new Consumer<AisMessage>() {
public void accept(AisMessage aisMessage) {
System.out.println("message id: " + aisMessage.getMsgId());
Reading using a TCP connection:
AisReader reader = AisReaders.createReader("localhost", 4001);
reader.registerHandler(new Consumer<AisMessage>() {
public void accept(AisMessage aisMessage) {
System.out.println("message id: " + aisMessage.getMsgId());
If the connection is broken the reader will try to reconnect after a certain amount of time that can be set with:
A read timeout can be defined for the reader. If no data is received within this period the connection will be closed and a reconnect will be tried.
Reading using an UDP connection:
AisReader reader = AisReaders.createUdpReader(8888);
reader.registerHandler(new Consumer<AisMessage>() {
public void accept(AisMessage aisMessage) {
System.out.println("message id: " + aisMessage.getMsgId());
Instead of working with AisMessage objects, it is possible to work with unparsed raw message packets (proprietary tags, comment blocks and VDM's). A packet consumer is registred in a reader.
AisReader reader = AisReaders.createReader("localhost", 4001);
reader.registerPacketHandler(new Consumer<AisPacket>() {
public void accept(AisPacket packet) {
try {
AisMessage message = packet.getAisMessage();
} catch (AisMessageException | SixbitException e) {
// Handle
// Alternative returning null if no valid AIS message
AisMessage message = packet.tryGetAisMessage();
Date timestamp = packet.getTimestamp();
CommentBlock cb = packet.getVdm().getCommentBlock();
Alternatively packets can be read as a packet stream.
Path path = ...
try (AisPacketReader pReader = AisPacketReader.createFromFile(path, true)) {
AisPacket p;
while ((p = pReader.readPacket()) != null) {
// Handle packet
If the filename has '.zip' suffix decompression will automatically be applied.
An AisReader
instance is created using factory methods in AisReaders
. The following
methods can be used.
createReader(String hostname, int port)
- Creates a reader connection to host:port.createReader(String commaHostPort)
- Creates a {@link AisTcpReader} from a list of one or more hosts on the form: host1:port1,...,hostN:portN. If more than one host/port round robin will be used.createUdpReader(int port)
- Creates a UDP reader reading from port on any interface.createUdpReader(String address, int port)
- Creates a UDP reader reading from port on interface with address.createReaderFromInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
- Creates a reader reading from an input stream.createReaderFromFile(String filename)
- Creates a reader reading from a file. If the filename suffix is '.zip' or '.gz', zip or gzip decompression will be applied respectively.
A collection of readers can be organized in an AisReaderGroup
that will deliver packets in a
single join packet stream. Sources are defined by a commaseparated list of host:port. If more than
one host for each source, round robin reading is used.
List<String> sources = ...
AisReaderGroup g = AisReaders.createGroup("name", sources);
To determine what messages are received the instanceof operator can be used. The example below shows how to test and cast, and take advantage of the object oriented design where related messages shares parents.
public void accept(AisMessage aisMessage) {
// Handle AtoN message
if (aisMessage instanceof AisMessage21) {
AisMessage21 msg21 = (AisMessage21) aisMessage;
System.out.println("AtoN name: " + msg21.getName());
// Handle position messages 1,2 and 3 (class A) by using their shared parent
if (aisMessage instanceof AisPositionMessage) {
AisPositionMessage posMessage = (AisPositionMessage)aisMessage;
System.out.println("speed over ground: " + posMessage.getSog());
// Handle position messages 1,2,3 and 18 (class A and B)
if (aisMessage instanceof IGeneralPositionMessage) {
IGeneralPositionMessage posMessage = (IGeneralPositionMessage)aisMessage;
System.out.println("course over ground: " + posMessage.getCog());
// Handle static reports for both class A and B vessels (msg 5 + 24)
if (aisMessage instanceof AisStaticCommon) {
AisStaticCommon staticMessage = (AisStaticCommon)aisMessage;
System.out.println("vessel name: " + staticMessage.getName());
AisMessages can be decoded to human readable JSON messages automatically with a single handler.
String aisSentence = "!AIVDM,1,1,,A,181:Jqh02c1Qra`E46I<@9n@059l,0*30";
Decoder decoder = new Decoder(aisSentence);
String json = decoder.decode(true);
"msgId": 1,
"repeatDFO": {
"ais_value": 0,
"decoded_text": "Message has been repeated 0 times"
"userId": 0,
"navStatusDFO": {
"ais_value": 0,
"decoded_text": "Under way using engine"
"rotDFO": {
"ais_value": 0,
"decoded_text": "Turning right at 0.0 degrees/ min"
"sogDFO": {
"ais_value": 171,
"decoded_text": "17.1 knots"
"posAccDFO": {
"ais_value": 0,
"decoded_text": "Low (> 10 m) (default)"
"position": {
"latitude": 36.8121133,
"longitude": 21.3901667
"cogDFO": {
"ais_value": 3136,
"decoded_text": "313.6 degrees"
"trueHeadingDFO": {
"ais_value": 315,
"decoded_text": "315 degrees"
"utcSecDFO": {
"ais_value": 8,
"decoded_text": "8"
"specialManIndicatorDFO": {
"ais_value": 0,
"decoded_text": "Not available"
"raimDFO": {
"ais_value": 0,
"decoded_text": "Raim not in use"
"syncStateDFO": {
"ais_value": 0,
"decoded_text": "Utc direct"
With the decoder you can also pass in any AisMessage data type for the same result
The example below shows how messages from multiple sources can be handled by a single handler.
// Make a handler
Consumer<AisMessage> handler = new Consumer<AisMessage>() {
public void accept(AisMessage aisMessage) {
System.out.println("aisMessage: " + aisMessage);
// Make readers and register handler
AisReader reader1 = AisReaders.createReader("host1", 4001);
AisReader reader2 = AisReaders.createReader("host2", 4001);
AisReader reader3 = AisReaders.createReader("host3", 4001);
// Start readers
reader1.start(); reader2.start(); reader3.start();
Alternatively an AisReaderGroup
can be used.
The example below shows how to round robin between TCP hosts. If one goes down, the re-connect will be to the next on the list.
AisReader reader = AisReaders.createReader("host1:port1,host2:port2,host3:port3");
reader.registerHandler(new Consumer<AisMessage>() {
public void accept(AisMessage aisMessage) {
System.out.println("message id: " + aisMessage.getMsgId());
Message filters implement a single method
boolean rejectedByFilter(AisMessage message);
Down sample example:
AisReader reader = AisReaders.createReader("");
reader.registerHandler(new Consumer<AisMessage>() {
DownSampleFilter downSampleFilter = new DownSampleFilter(60);
public void accept(AisMessage aisMessage) {
if (downSampleFilter.rejectedFilter(aisMessage)) {
// Handle message
A MessageHandlerFilter can be used to put in between readers and handlers. In the example below two filters are used. A doublet filter and a down sampling filter.
Consumer<AisMessage> handler = new Consumer<AisMessage>() {
public void accept(AisMessage aisMessage) {
// Handle doublet filtered down sampled messages
// Make down sampling filter with sampling rate 1 min and
// make handler the recipient of down sampled messages
MessageHandlerFilter downsampleFilter = new MessageHandlerFilter(new DownSampleFilter());
// Make doublet filter with default window of 10 secs.
// Set down sample filter as recipient of doublet filered messages
MessageHandlerFilter doubletFilter = new MessageHandlerFilter(new DuplicateFilter());
// Make reader
AisReader reader = AisReaders.createReader(host, port);
It is also possible to perform packet filtering based on packet sources and contents using free-text expressions. These expressions must comply with a specified grammar.
The expression filter can be used programmatically like this:
import static dk.dma.ais.packet.AisPacketFiltersExpressionFilterParser.parseExpressionFilter;
parseExpressionFilter(" = DNK & s.type = LIVE").test(aisPacket);
In this example the test method wll return true
for all packets received from a source in Denmark ('DNK') and
coming from a terrestrial source (typically a VHF base station as opposed to e.g. data received via satellite).
For packets coming sources not fulfilling this expression the test
method will return false.
Filtering on source attributes is indicated by the 's' in front of the field ('country').
import static dk.dma.ais.packet.AisPacketFiltersExpressionFilterParser.parseExpressionFilter;
parseExpressionFilter("m.pos witin circle(37.9121, -122.4229, 2000)").test(aisPacket);
In this example the test method will return false
for packets containing a position outside a cartesian circle
centered in 37.912 degrees north (37°N54'44"), 122.4229 degrees west (22°W25'22"), and with a radius of 2000 meters.
For other packets (including packets without any position information) the method will return true
Filtering on message (~packet) attributes is indicated by the 'm.' in front of the field ('pos').
In some cases it is insufficient to filter on packet sources and content alone. For instance it may be desirable to
block AIS packets with static and voyage related data (see class AisStaticCommon
) for vessels which are outside a
given area. Since the AisStaticCommon
messages do not contain any position information, it is not possible to filter
on these packets alone.
Instead, it is possible to use an expression filter which will "remember" all AIS packets it has previously been served. It uses these messages to track all AIS targets and keep a cache of the latest known positions, speeds, and other characteristis. This why, it is possible to filter on the target's characteristics rather than the latest packet received.
As an example:
import static dk.dma.ais.packet.AisPacketFiltersExpressionFilterParser.parseExpressionFilter;
parseExpresionFiter("t.sog > 10").test(aisPacket);
Of all packets send to the test
-method only those which are related to a vesel with a speed over ground larger
than 10 knots will result in true
being returned from test
. This is true even for e.g. AIS messages of type 5
which contain no speed information.
Filtering on target attributes is indicated by the 't.' in front of the field ('sog').
An example of an existing application which uses the expression filter is AisFilter which is based on main class
java dk.dma.ais.utils.filter.Aisilter -t localhost:4001 -exp ".sog in 2..8"
This will make the application connect via TCP to localhost:4001 to receive AIS packets, filter them using the supplied expression (so that packets with speed over ground outside the range 2 to 8 knots are rejected), and output the remaining packets on the standard output.
The full grammar is specified usit ANTLR notation in file expresionFilter.g4
The following are examples of filter expressions:
m.sog = 0
m.sog != 0
m.sog > 6.0
m.sog < 7.0
m.sog >= 6.6
m.sog <= 6.6
m.month = jan,feb,mar
m.month = (jan,feb,mar)
m.month in jan,feb,mar
m.month in (jan,feb,mar)
m.month @ jan,feb,mar
m.month @ (jan,feb,mar)
m.mmsi in 220431000,220435325,220430999
m.mmsi in (220431000,220435325,220430999)
m.month != jan,feb,mar
m.month != (jan,feb,mar)
m.month not in jan,feb,mar
m.month not in (jan,feb,mar)
m.month !@ jan,feb,mar
m.month !@ (jan,feb,mar)
m.mmsi not in 220431000,220435325,220430999
m.mmsi not in (220431000,220435325,220430999)
- = 5..15
- in 5..15
- in (5..15)
- @ (5..15)
- != 5..15
- not in 5..15
- !@ (5..15)
m.pos within circle(37.9058, -122.4310, 1000)
m.pos within bbox(37.9058, -122.4310, 37.9185, -122.4149) like D* LIKE DI* LIKE DI?NA ~ D*A ~ 'DIA*'
m.type = TANKER
m.type = military
m.type in 'tanker', 'military', HSC = 1 & m.sog >= 6.1 & m.sog <= 6.9
m.sog > 6.6 | m.sog < 6.4
m.sog > 6.6 & m.sog < 6.7
The following fields can be used in filter expressions
Group | Field | Meaning | Example values |
sources | | Source id |
| | Source base station |
| | Source country | DNK
| s.type | Source type | LIVE, SAT
| s.region | Source region | 0
messages | | Message type | 1, 2, 3, 5 | m.mmsi | MMSI number | 219010123 | m.year | Msg recv'd in year | 2014 | m.month | Msg recv'd in month | jan, january, 1 | m.dom | Msg recv'd on day-of-month | 1, 31 | m.dow | Msg recv'd on day-of-week | mon, monday, 1 | m.hour | Msg recv'd on hour | 14 | m.minute | Msg recv'd on minute | 34
| m.imo | IMO number | 6159463 | m.type | Ship type | tanker, 32 | m.navstat | Navigational status | AT_ANCHOR, 1 | | Ship name | Maersk Alabama | m.cs | Radio call sign | XP1234 | m.sog | Speed over ground | 10.0 | m.cog | Course over ground | 234 | m.hdg | True heading | 180 | m.draught | Current draught | 4.6 | | Latitude | 56.1234 | m.lon | Longitude | 12.4321 | m.pos(*) | Position | (56.1234, 12.4321)
targets | t.imo | IMO number | 6159463 | t.type | Ship type | tanker, 32 | t.navstat | Navigational status | AT_ANCHOR, 1 | | Ship name | Maersk Alabama | t.cs | Radio call sign | XP1234 | t.sog | Speed over ground | 10.0 | t.cog | Course over ground | 234 | t.hdg | True heading | 180 | t.draught | Current draught | 4.6 | | Latitude | 56.1234 | t.lon | Longitude | 12.4321 | t.pos(*) | Position | (56.1234, 12.4321)
(*) pos is represents same values as (lat, lon) but is used in contexts where complete position (not just latitude or longitude) is used.
TBD. See dk.dma.ais.transform.*
, dk.dma.ais.transform.TransformTest
AisLib can handle some proprietary tags inserted before VDM sentences, but implementations of factories must be given. In the example below Gatehouse source tags are handled.
Proprietary factories are defined in the file
AisReader reader = AisReaders.createReaderFromInputStream(new FileInputStream("sentences.txt"));
reader.registerHandler(new Consumer<AisMessage>() {
public void accept(AisMessage aisMessage) {
if (aisMessage.getSourceTag() != null) {
IProprietarySourceTag sourceTag = aisMessage.getSourceTag();
System.out.println("timestamp: " + sourceTag.getTimestamp());
Besides from propritary tags, comment blocks carry metadata about the VDM sentences carrying the AIS message.
The example below shows how to handle comment blocks.
AisReader reader = ...
reader.registerPacketHandler(new Consumer<AisPacket>() {
public void accept(AisPacket aisPacket) {
Vdm vdm = packet.getVdm();
if (vdm == null) {
CommentBlock cb = vdm.getCommentBlock();
if (cb != null) {
String source = cb.getString();
Long cbTimestamp = cb.getTimestamp();
Common metadata has been standardized in the class AisPacketTags
. The
following attributes are used:
- Timestamp
- Source id
- Source basestation
- Source country (ISO three letter)
- Source type SAT | LIVE
AisPacketTags tags = packet.getTags();
Assert.assertEquals(tags.getTimestamp().getTime(), 1354719387000L);
Assert.assertEquals(tags.getSourceId(), "SISSM");
Assert.assertEquals(tags.getSourceBs().intValue(), 2190047);
Assert.assertEquals(tags.getSourceCountry().getThreeLetter(), "DNK");
Full timestamp of VDM sentences are done in different proprietary fashions. AisLib tries to get the timestamp in three ways
- Comment block key 'c'
- Gatehouse propritary source tag
- MSSIS timestamp appended to VDM sentence (the first occurence of a timestamp is used)
The timestamp is retrived from a packet using the following
Packet packet = ...
Date timestamp = packet.getTimestamp();
TBD. See dk.dma.ais.bus.AisBusTest
Example of sending an addressed text message in an ABM sentence. See test cases on how to send application specific message. See AisReader for different sending options. In the example below all ABM packaging is handled by AisReader.
AisReader aisReader = AisReaders.createReader(host, port);
// Make AIS message 12
AisMessage12 msg12 = new AisMessage12();
// Send using a blocking call
Abk abk = aisReader.send(msg12, 1, destination);
if (abk.isSuccess()) {
} else {