A syntax highlighter for Node.js powered by Tree Sitter. Written in Rust.
The following will output HTML:
const treeSitter = require('tree-sitter-highlight');
treeSitter.highlight('const foo = "hi";', treeSitter.Language.JS);
// => '<span class="source">...</span>'
You can also output a HAST AST, which is useful for integrating with Markdown or MDX processors (e.g. Remark).
treeSitter.highlightHast('const foo = "hi";', treeSitter.Language.JS);
// => {type: 'element', children: [...]}
The output HTML will contain CSS class names for various tokens. These will depend on the language, but there are several common names used across languages. Here is a basic example theme:
.keyword {
color: purple;
.function {
color: blue;
.type {
color: pink;
.string {
color: green;
.number {
color: brown;
.operator {
color: gray;
.comment {
color: lightgray;
Inspect the generated output HTML and design your CSS accordingly.