The Operation Tool for Cloud-Migrator System Runtime
CM-Mayfly is currently under development.
So, we do not recommend using the current release in production.
Please note that the functionalities of CM-Mayfly are not stable and secure yet.
If you have any difficulties in using CM-Mayfly, please let us know.
(Open an issue or Join the Cloud-Migrator Slack)
- This is a operate tool that supports installing, running, providing status information, and shutting down the Cloud-Migrator system.
- As a proof-of-concept phase, only the
Docker Compose V2
mode method is currently available first.
Ubuntu 20.04
or later- Tested by Ubuntu 20.04
Golang 1.19
or later- Tested by go version go1.19.2 linux/amd64
Docker Compose v2.21
or later- Tested by Docker version 24.0.7, build afdd53b and Docker Compose version v2.21.0
$ git clone
$ cd cm-mayfly/src
(Setup dependencies)
cm-mayfly/src$ go get -u
(Build a binary for mayfly)
cm-mayfly/src$ go build -o mayfly
(Build a binary for mayfly using Makerfile)
cm-mayfly/src$ make
cm-mayfly/src$ make win
cm-mayfly/src$ make mac
cm-mayfly/src$ make linux-arm
cm-mayfly/src$ make win86
cm-mayfly/src$ make mac-arm
(Delete all a binary for mayfly using Makerfile)
cm-mayfly/src$ make clean
For now, it supports docker's run/stop/info/pull commands, and k8s is a work in progress.
The necessary service information for the Cloud-Migrator System configuration is defined in the cm-mayfly/docker-compose-mode-files/docker-compose.yaml
file.(By default, it is set to build the desired configuration and data volume in the docker-compose-mode-files
If you want to change the information for each container you want to deploy, modify the cm-mayfly/docker-compose-mode-files/docker-compose.yaml
file or use the -f option.
Use the -h option at the end of the sub-command requiring assistance, or executing 'mayfly' without any options will display the help manual.
cm-mayfly/src$ ./mayfly
The mayfly is a tool to operate Cloud-Migrator system.
For example, you can setup and run, stop, and ... Cloud-Migrator runtimes.
- ./mayfly pull [-f ../docker-compose-mode-files/docker-compose.yaml]
- ./mayfly run [-f ../docker-compose-mode-files/docker-compose.yaml]
- ./mayfly info
- ./mayfly stop [-f ../docker-compose-mode-files/docker-compose.yaml]
- ./mayfly remove [-f ../docker-compose-mode-files/docker-compose.yaml] -v -i
mayfly [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
info Get information of Cloud-Migrator System
pull Pull images of Cloud-Migrator System containers
remove Stop and Remove Cloud-Migrator System
run Setup and Run Cloud-Migrator System
stop Stop Cloud-Migrator System
-h, --help help for mayfly
Use "mayfly [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Create and start containers from an image of the Cloud-Migrator System packages
cm-mayfly/src$ ./mayfly run -h
Setup and Run Cloud-Migrator System
mayfly run [flags]
-f, --file string User-defined configuration file (default "Not_Defined")
-h, --help help for run
Stop and remove containers, networks
cm-mayfly/src$ ./mayfly stop -h
Stop Cloud-Migrator System
mayfly stop [flags]
-f, --file string User-defined configuration file (default "Not_Defined")
-h, --help help for stop
Get information of Cloud-Migrator System Information about containers and container images
cm-mayfly/src$ ./mayfly info -h
Get information of Cloud-Migrator System. Information about containers and container images
mayfly info [flags]
-f, --file string User-defined configuration file (default "Not_Defined")
-h, --help help for info
cm-mayfly/src$ ./mayfly pull -h
Pull images of Cloud-Migrator System containers
mayfly pull [flags]
-f, --file string User-defined configuration file (default "Not_Defined")
-h, --help help for pull