A golang framework
golang 1.12
Installation of sources
go get github.com/dev2choiz/f7k
Installation of binary
go get -u github.com/dev2choiz/f7k/cmd/f7k
Check the installation
f7k version
Create a new application
f7k create [-n | --name] [-i | --import-path] [-p | --port]
-n | --name | name of the new project |
-p | --import-path | example : github.com/dev2choiz/f7k |
-p | --port | port number |
cd name # 'name' the name of the project
installation of dependencies
go mod vendor
Regenerate the cache
Some components need to regenerate the cache before they are executed.
This is the case of the component github.com/dev2choiz/f7k/controllers which must generate in the cache the controllers referenced in the file ./conf/routes.yaml
f7k cache --verbose
Run the application
run with f7k in development :
f7k run --verbose
this command line generate cache then execute main.go
run natively :
go run main.go --verbose
check :
curl localhost:8080