This repo contains front-end and backend of math formula retrieval system including text and formula index building and searching.
- Math-search-front includes front-end of our system using Angular JS.
- Lucene was used for building index and ranking documents(TF-IDF Model).
- Math formula(Latex format) was parsed as XML and the tree sub-structure was built on it, detailed information can be found in formula-server.
- Mathematical formulae are important means for dissemination and communication of scientific information.
- Non-alphabetical symbols that are not understood by current search systems.
- Terms are either meaningless or improperly read and processed by current systems; e.g.
- Current search systems are not equipped to recognize those structure when searching.
- We treat every formula inside documents as single indexed file.
- The ranking algorithms is . . It indicated the matched level between the indexed formula and searched formula.
Gao, Liangcai, et al. "The Math Retrieval System of ICST for NTCIR-12 MathIR Task." NTCIR. 2016.