This program evaluates minimum triangle path as described in Project Euler #18 and Project Euler #67
Starting from the top of a pyramid of numbers like this, you can walk down going one step on the right or on the left, until you reach the bottom row:
6 3
3 8 5
11 2 10 9
One of such walks is 7 + 6 + 3 + 2. You can compute the total of the numbers you have seen in such walk, in this case it's 18.
Your problem is to find the minimum total among all possible paths from the top to the bottom row of the triangle.
The program is implemented with Scala and can be executed e.g. using sbt
user@localhost:/minimumtrianglepath$ sbt run
Afterwards, the user might decide to put the payload into stdin like so:
5 6
1 1 1
The input can be terminated with Ctrl+D
(Linux/Mac) or Ctrl+Z
This should trigger the computation that will output the result:
Minimal path is: 4 + 5 + 1 = 10
Alternatively, one can use sbt package
to build executable .jar