##ROSIA data visualization. ###Instruction
- To run the project simply clone the project from github.
$ git clone https://github.com/hello-deepak/ROSIA
- Install symfony2. Instructions to install symfony given below.
- Run the server using.
$ php app/console server:run
- Open your browser and type "localhost:8000".
###Installation and Configuration
- Download Symfony from: http://symfony.com/download#symfony1
- Before installing symfony make sure that you have installed curl and composer.
- Put the bootstrap folder and jquery file in web folder inside symfony framework.
- Create a new bundle
$ php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Rosia/ChartBundle --format=yml
- Replace the ChartBundle file inside src/Rosia with cloned chart bundle.
- Make sure that the bundle is registered in app/AppKernel.php.
- Put the rosia_data.json file in web folder inside the framework.