Timeline v1.11
- Changed Salesforce API to v54.0 from v53.0
- Added default label translations for Italian and Korean.
- Performance improvements using SObjectDescribeOptions.DEFERRED to enable lazy initialisation of describe attributes
- Added default timeline metadata for Incident, Change Request and Problem standard objects
- Days to Show now allows values up to 365. Allowing for rolling years.
- Reduced Metadata Type usage by 35%.
- d3.js updated to v7.4.4
- Fixed bug when a null dates are found for OpenActivities and ActivityHistory relationship records causing a runtime error
- Fixed bug causing ActivityHistory relationships to fail to load for non-admin users
- Fixed bug causing Parent Picklist design time attribute to be null when an invalid field label is found
- Fixed bug causing scratch Org creation to fail with invalid sfdx-project.json
- Fixed bug causing tooltip to be hidden in the Service Cloud Console