This is a FUEL CMS blog module for adding blog like functionality including posts, categories, and commenting.
There are a couple ways to install the module. If you are using GIT you can use the following method to create a submodule:
Open up a Terminal window, "cd" to your FUEL CMS installation then type in: Type in:
php index.php fuel/installer/add_git_submodule blog
Then to install, type in:
php index.php fuel/installer/install blog
Download the zip file from GitHub:
Create a "blog" folder in fuel/modules/ and place the contents of the blog module folder in there.
Import the fuel_blog_install.sql and fuel_blog_permissions_install.sql from the blog/install folder into your database
Add "blog" to the
in fuel/application/config/MY_fuel.php
To uninstall the module which will remove any permissions and database information:
php index.php fuel/installer/uninstall blog
- You may need to put in your full path to the "php" interpreter when using the terminal.
- You must have access to an internet connection to install using GIT.
To access the documentation, you can visit it here.
- David McReynolds, Daylight Studio, Main Developer
To file a bug report, go to the issues page.
The blog Module for FUEL CMS is licensed under APACHE 2.