A curated collection of open educational content for Data Visualization and Web Technologies.
Contributions welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit PRs.
- D3 Slack
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- D3 Discussions (very new!)
- Data Visualization Society Slack
- Observable Forum
- VizHub Forum
- Data-vis-jobs Mailing List
- D3 Mailing List
- StackOverflow: Questions tagged [d3.js]
- D3 GitHub Issues
- Data Visualization Society Fireside Chats, 2020, YouTube/Web - Interview series. See also DVS YouTube Channel.
- EagerEyes TV by Robert Kosara, 2020, YouTube/Blog - Amazing video series on data visualization.
- Let's Learn D3.js! (with Shirley Wu) — Learn With Jason, 2020, YouTube - Livestream recording of 1:1 teaching session.
- IEEE Vis Conference talks 2020, YouTube
- IEEE Vis Conference talks 2013-2019, Vimeo/Web
- Using React (Hooks) with D3 by Muri, 2019, YouTube - Tutorials in a playlist.
- D3 and React, Together by Shirley Wu, 2018, YouTube - Presentation on React & D3 integration.
- Learn JavaScript - Full Course for Beginners by Beau Carnes, 2018, YouTube - 3 hour video.
- Tapestry Conference Videos, 2013 - 2018, YouTube - Conference talks.
- OpenVis Conf Talks, 2017 - Amazing recorded talks from OpenVis Conf.
- Composing D3.js Visuals with Vue.js Workshop, Jon Snyder, 2018
- Kai Chang - Visually Exploring Multidimensional Data
- Visual Vocabulary, Financial Times, 2018, Web - Awesome vizualization taxonomy.
- Interactive Chart Chooser by Ann K. Emery
- The Data Visualisation Catalogue by Severino Ribecca
- Data Viz Project by Ferdio
- From Data to Viz
- Xenographics by Maarten Lambrechts, 2020 - Collection of unusual charts and maps.
- D3 Examples Collection, 2020, Observable - Official D3 examples.
- Remaking Figures from Bertin's Semiology of Graphics
- The D3.js Graph Gallery, Yan Holtz, 2018 - Collection of simple charts made with D3.
- The Modern JavaScript Tutorial by Ilya Kantor, 2022, Web
- Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke, 2018, Web - Book-length set of lessons.
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs — JavaScript Adaptation - An adaptation of the classic SICP for JS.
- Learn JS Data by Jim Vallandingham & contributors, 2019, GitHub - Data cleaning, manipulation, and wrangling in JavaScript.
- Learn JS Data by John A Guerra Gómez, 2020, Observable - Modernized version.
- d3.group, d3.rollup by Philippe Rivière, 2019, Observable - Examples of new APIs that replace
- Guides and Examples by Dan Kerrigan, 2021, Observable - Nice intro D3 content.
- D3 Discovery - Finding D3 plugins with ease.
- Touring the D3 Ecosystem by Ian Johnson, 2020, Observable - Index of D3 related links.
- selection.join() enter and update duplication, 2020, GitHub Issue - The new
API in a nutshell. - Learn D3 by Mike Bostock, 2020, Observable - "A guided tour of your first steps using D3."
- D3 Tutorial by Samuel Gratzl, 2020, GitHub - Introduction to D3 single-page tutorial.
- How to learn D3.js by Amelia Wattenberger, 2020, Web - Multi-page interactive tutorial on D3.
- Workshop: Introduction to D3.js by Shirley Wu, 2020, Observable - Collection of workshop material.
- D3 6.0 migration guide by Philippe Rivière, 2020, Observable - Notable differences between v5 and v6.
- D3 in Depth by Peter Cook, 2019, Web
- selection.join by Mike Bostock, 2019, Observable - Canonical example of data joins.
- Data Visualization 2018 Course by Curran Kelleher, 2018, Web - 13 hour video course with code examples.
- What Makes Software Good? by Mike Bostock, 2016, Medium - Exposition on D3 v4.
- D3 Documentation on Observable, Philippe Rivière, 2019
- d3 time formatting example by Zan Armstrong, 2017 - Useful reference for date parsing and formatting.
- d3 formatting numbers example by Zan Armstrong, 2020 - Useful reference for number parsing and formatting.
- React + D3 by Amelia Wattenberger, 2020, Web - Interactive single-page tutorial.
- Interactive Data Visualization with Vega by Déborah Mesquita, 2019, Medium - Article intro to Vega
- Building Reusable Data Visualization Components for a Modern Web by Thomas Gonzalez, 2019
- Reusable D3 Charts and Launching D3 Boilerplate by Neal Humphrey, 2017
- D3 is Now Modular by Chris Viau, 2017
- Towards Updatable D3.js Charts by Rob Moore, 2016
- Exploring Reusability with D3.js by Mike Pennisi, 2013
- Towards Reusable Charts by Mike Bostock, 2012
- Introduction to Vega-Lite by Jeffrey Heer, 2019, Observable - Collection of notebooks using vega-lite-api
- DruidJS A JavaScript Library for Dimensionality Reduction.
- Reorder.js Library to reorder matrices, inspired by Jacques Bertin.
- Arquero Library for query processing and transformation of array-backed data tables.
- Tidy.js Ideas from the R Tidyverse, in JavaScript.
- jStat JavaScript Statistical Library.
- Why all world maps are wrong by Johnny Harris, 2016, YouTube - Timeless video on the concept of map projection.
- Dataviz books everyone should read, 2019, information is beautiful - Curated book list.
- Data Visualization Book Reviews by Nadieh Bremer, 2020, Web - Reviews and thoughts on the content and usefulness of books.
- Fundamentals of Data Visualization by Claus O. Wilke, 2019, Web (free)
- Polaris: A System for Query, Analysis, and Visualization of Multidimensional Relational Databases by Chris Stolte, Diane Tang and Pat Hanrahan, 2002, IEEE TVCG - Seminal paper that lead to Tableau.
- imMens: Real-time Visual Querying of Big Data - Great overview of data reduction techniques (section 3).
- Data visualization literacy: Definitions, conceptual frameworks, exercises, and assessments
- Visualising Data by Andy Kirk, 2010-2020, Web - Amazing blog, particularly the "BEST OF THE VISUALISATION WEB" collection.
- FlowingData by Nathan Yau, Web, 2020 - Highlights of visualization work and resources.
- Storytelling with Data by Cole Nussbaumer
- Information is Beautiful by David McCandless
- Junk Charts by Kaiser Fung
- The Pudding by Matt Daniels
- The Atlas by Quartz Media
- Graphic Detail by The Economist
- FiveThirtyEight - Not a blog, FiveThirtyEight is known for data journalism and oftne share their data on Github.
- Viz.WTF - Blog about visualizations that make no sense.
- r/DataIsUgly - Reddit community sharing often bad data visulizations.
- Fullstack D3 and Data Visualization by Amelia Wattenberger, 2020 - 8 week video course.
- Introduction to D3.js by Shirley Wu, 2020, Frontend Masters - 6 hour video course.
- Data Visualization: Customizing Charts for Beauty & Impact by Nadieh Bremer, 2019, Skillshare - Course on visualization approaches.
- React for Data Visualization by Swizec Teller, 2019
- One Chart at a Time by Jon Schwabish
- Interactive Data Visualization: Getting Started with D3.js - V5 by Bill Shander, 2020
- Data Visualization Courses by Bill Shander, 2016-2021, LinkedIn
- Datavis 2020 by Curran Kelleher, 2020, Web (17-hour video) - Video course with code examples on React & D3 & Viz Theory.
- Data Visualization Course by Curran Kelleher, 2018
- Data Visualization for Storytelling and Discovery by Alberto Cairo, 2018 - Knight Center for Journalism in the America's massive open online course (MOOC).
- Data Journalism and Visualization with Free Tools by Alberto Cairo, Simon Rogers et al., 2019 - Knight Center for Journalism in the America's massive open online course (MOOC) supported by Google.
- The Pudding: Human Terrain (blog) - 3D map of population density.
- World Factbook - Data on countries.
- Our World in Data - Datasets on various global issues.
- Open Weather Map - Current and forecast weather data.
- HDX The Humanitarian Data Exchange - Datasets from UNHCA Services.
- Open Develpment Mekong - Open Data from SE. Asia.
- Awesome D3
- Data Visualisation Resources by Severino Ribecca
- Awesome visualization research by Matthew Conlen & Sam Petulla - Curated list of Awesome visualization research papers, books, blog posts, and other readings.