Dart wrapper for cloudinary apis.
CloudinaryClient client = CloudinaryClient(<API_KEY, <API_SECRET>, <cloud_name>);
CloudinaryResponse response = await client.uploadImage(<path>,filename:<optional>, folder:<optional>);
// response object will contain image url.
_path = await FilePicker.getFilePath(type: _pickingType, fileExtension: _extension);
List<String> result = await client.uploadImagesStringResp([_path]);
// will return list of url of images uploaded
List<CloudinaryResponse> result = await client.uploadImages([_path]);
class CloudinaryResponse {
String public_id;
int version;
int width;
int height;
String format;
String created_at;
String resource_type;
List<Object> tags;
int bytes;
String type;
String etag;
String url;
String secure_url;
String signature;
String original_filename;
String error;