A simple and easy to use Birthday Discord Bot which helps to boost server comradery and friendship.
Simply add the bot to your server and have each user register with the .bday register
Every 24 hours the bot will send out a special announcement for any registered users with a birthday on that day.
1.) - Create a Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv venv
2.) - Activate this Environment,
cd venv
source bin/activate
3.) - Install requirements.txt (Make sure you are in project root)
pip install -r requirements.txt
4.) - Run the bot
python run.py
There is a github action for this repository that runs with every pull request.
This action checks to make sure that you properly formatted your changes with the Python black formatter
To pass this check, run the black formatter across the entire project after your last commit.
As shown below,
1.) - Make sure black is installed
pip install black
2.) - Format the entire project (make sure you are in root directory)
black .
3.) - Add the formatted files
git add .
4.) - Push the formatted files
git commit -m "black formatting"
git push
Daniel Krzeminski - [email protected]
Ethan Kvachkoff - [email protected]
Yet to be established
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details