Implementation of the blurhash algorithm in BQN.
Works as a library but also includes command-line scripts for encoding and decoding blurhashes quickly. The scripts also act as samples.
MIT license.
./bhenc img.ppm
outputs a blurhash with the default components (4,3).
bhenc [xcomp ycomp] <img>
xcomp x components (1-9; default 4)
ycomp y components (1-9; default 3)
img image file; only PPM type P6 supported for now
To get PPM files, try ImageMagick: convert img.jpg img.ppm
./bhshow "LGFi1MUH=y#M:d5b+*Ex@[or[Q6."
displays a terminal true-color rendering of the blurhash. Requires true-color support from terminal.
./bhdec "AGFi1MUH:d5b"
creates a 32x32 rendering in the file out.ppm
bhdec <blurhash> [[x y] outfile]
x x resolution (default 32)
y y resolution (default 32)
blurhash blurhash
outfile output filename (default out.ppm)
- performance enhancements
- properly document the BQN API
- add browser demo
- support other image formats, probably with external libraries
- add images to readme