A1. Intercorp files: broken down into smaller files, so that one file corresponds to just one book/named collection.
a. The output files from the books (151), which were used in the corpus extraction are in:
correspondences_intercorp_en2cs intercorp_cs intercorp_en
b. big Corpus:
Some of the named collections _ACQUIS, _EUROPARL, _PRESSEUROP, _SUBTITLES, _SYNDICATE were too big to be processed on my computer (8GB and 12GB working memory were not enough) and were processed on a later stage. It turned out they contained just 555 unique verb occurrences and of these only 5 that did not occur in the books so they weren't taken into account further.
The classes used for breaking down the initial Intercorp files are:
- RepairXml: splits intercorp_en2cs
- SplitCorpusXmlData: splits intercorp_en and intercorp_cs
The files from the "big Corpus" were manually extracted; formatting mistakes in them were also manually corrected
get_aspects.xslt -> resulting file with all verbs (5098) and all 4 aspect labels (pf, impf, biasp, iter)
- VallexGlosbeDictionary:
Class containing methods that create a VallexGlosbeDictionary by looking up czech Vallex Verbs in Glosbe and finding List of english translations Once created, an instance of the VallexGlosbeDictionary can be used for further processing.
* input: "vallex\\vallex_aspectOutput.txt"
* output: "vallex/dictionary.csv" -> czech verbs with aspect value and englisch translations
The dictionary has 4221 entries (after removing 2 aspectual values and homographs from vallex); of these only 2915 have a matching translation
- Verb
- Sentence
CorpusParser - parses (pre-split) .xml files from intercorp_en, intercorp_cs
CorrespondenceParser - parses .xml files from correspondences_intercorp_en2cs
SentenceProcessor(filename_en2cs, filename_en, filename_cs)
Initialises a CorrespondenceParser(filename_en2cs) and CorpusParser(filename_en), CorpusParser(filename_cs);
gets/initializes corresponding sentencePairs
- SentencePair(sentence_en, sentence_cs, outputFile)
Checks verb correspondences (if the GlosbeVallexDictionary translation of a verb from the czech verblist corresponds to a verb from the english Verblist)
- Mainapp:
instantiates a VallexGlosbeDictionary
- input: vallex/dictionary.csv
initializes instance of SentenceProcessor
inside it instantiates a corpus parser and a correspondence parser processes corpora and writes corresponding sentence pairs: sentenceProcessor.getSentencePairs(output_filename) and writes files in output_sentences
* input: correspondences_intercorp_en2cs, intercorp_en, intercorp_cs
* output: output_sentences -> collection of sentence pairs, a file per book, a sentence pair per verb
of the form:
token_en, inf_en, token_cs, inf_cs, aspect, English sentence, Czech sentence
"come","come","prišel","prijít","pf"," Zarquon has come again! ”"," Zarquon znovu prišel! """
- OutputVerbDataDictionary:
Processes the <verb: verbdata, sentence occurance> data from all output files (folder output_sentences) from the processed corpus and builds a dictionary for each verb: <verb : [data, all sentence occurances]>
- WriteProcessedOutput
Initializes OutputVerbDataDictionary; uses instance of OutputVerbDataDictionary to select for each verb occuring in the corpus data the first two(in this case) sentences of occurrence
* input: folder output_sentences
* output: in folder processed_output: selected_1.csv and selected_2.csv
selected_1.csv (2774 verbs/sentences), selected_2.csv (2374) -> first sentence (first sentence value for each verb key in the OutputVerbDataDictionary) - used for the annotation, second sentence(-"-) - additional sentences, not used further
full_output.txt - all entries of OutputVerbDataDictionary
verb_keys.txt - unique verb occurrences
verb_keys_occurrenceNumber.csv -> verb - #occurrences
verbKeyAspect.csv -> English verb with the aspect value of the corresponding Czech Vallex verb
- PrepareFinalFiles:
Reads selected_n.csv file (in processed_output) -> write .txt and .json; writes only 200 sentences per .txt (better processing for the annotation tool)
* input: in folder processed input
* output: in folder final_files