There are two main datasets, for which agreement is calculated:
- folder with the raw texts:
- raw_textfiles
- annotation xml-files:
- all_texts_all_annotators
- annotations_alltexts_Christine_ich
- annotations_alltexts_Christine_Melissa
- annotations_alltexts_Melissa_ich
- output differences: text files with differing annotations
- outputDifferences_all
- outputDifferences_telicity
- folder with the raw texts:
- Evaluation_raw_texts
- annotation xml-files:
- Evaluation_AT_all
- Evaluation_AT_Christine_ich
- Evaluation_AT_Christine_Melissa
- Evaluation_AT_Melissa_ich
- output differences: text files with differing annotations
- evaluation_outputDifferences
- evaluation_outputDifferences_telicity
- annotations and annotation differences:
- annotations of single annotators: annotator1, annotator2, annotator3
- items with differing telicity annotations: differences
- complete annotations, aspectual class and telicity:
- for all verbs: evaluationAnnotationVerbs
- only for dynamic verbs: evaluationAnnotationVerbs_dynamic
- Silver Standard:
- silverStandard_human: items with corresponding annotations of all human annitators
- silverStandard_vallex: items with corresponding annotations of all human annitators and vallex labels