nothing is a trivial library allowing you to do nothing with an array.
Method | Description |
[].nothing.atTheBeginning() | Puts a removed first item of an array back into the beginning of the array. |
[].nothing.atTheEnd() | Puts a removed last item of an array back into the end of the array. |
[].nothing.atThePosition(n) | Puts a removed n-th item of an array back into the array at the n-th index. |
[].nothing.atARandomPosition() | Puts a removed random item of an array back into the array at its index. |
[].nothing.nowhere() | Performs no operation anywhere within an array. |
[].nothing.withTheFirstItem() | Puts the removed first item of an array back into the array at 1st index. |
var arr = [1, 2, 3, 4];
arr = arr.nothing.atTheEnd();
// [1, 2, 3, 4]