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This library provides you simple Angular bindings for KonvaJS. This is still a work in progress and not an official release of Konva framework. PRs and contributions are more than welcome.

This project is inspired by the more official library n2-konva that, as for now, seems not to be maintaned.

Supported Angular version: 16.


npm install ngx-konva konva

Simply import NgxKonvaModule inside any module you need to use it in:

import { NgxKonvaModule } from 'ngx-konva';

  // ... your stuff
  imports: [
    // ... other modules import
  // ... other module stuff
export class MyModule { }

Konva API implementation status

API Status Component
Stage âś… ko-stage
Layer âś… ko-layer
Rect âś… ko-rect
Circle âś… ko-circle
Line âś… ko-line
RegularPolygon âś… ko-regular-polygon
Text âś… ko-text
TextPath âś… ko-text-path
Ellipse âś… ko-ellipse
Wedge âś… ko-wedge
Group âś… ko-group
Ring âś… ko-ring
Image âś… ko-image
Label âś… ko-label
Path âś… ko-path
Sprite ❌
Star âś… ko-star
Arrow âś… ko-arrow
Shape âś… ko-shape (for custom shapes)
Arc âś… ko-arc
Tween âś… transitionWith @Input
Filters ❌
Animations ❌

Example usage

Each element respect the hierarchy described here:

<ko-stage [config]="{width: 100, height: 100}">
        <ko-circle [config]="{ 
          radius: 120,
          fill: 'blue',
          stroke: 'black',
          strokeWidth: 4,
          x: 0,
          y: 0
        <ko-image [config]="{x: 100, y: 100}"

Each item has an @Input config you can use dynamically to change the configuration of the Node. All properties allowed are handled by config, but if you need to change the id of a Node use the related id @Input.

Note: Each Node is identified by an automatically generated id to avoid adding the same node multiple times, use the id @Input accordingly.

In order to listen to events refer to Events handling.

Stage autoscale

If you do not want to handle width/height directly on ko-stage you can use the component ko-stage-autoscale and modifying the parent container size: the ko-stage-autoscale will size and scale automatically the container in order to fit it perfectly, even when the container resizes.

The first container size different from 0, 0 will be considered the initial 1 scale.

<div id="container" [style.width.px]="width" [style.height.px]="height">
          <ko-circle [config]="{ 
            radius: 120,
            fill: 'blue',
            stroke: 'black',
            strokeWidth: 4,
            x: 0,
            y: 0

If you want to capture the initial canvas resolution you can listen to the EventEmitter (initDimensions) that will return { width: number, height: number } of the scale: 1 canvas.

Since the stage is already scaled to fit the container if you need to add an additional scale to your stage you can use the handy @Input additionalScale from the component.

Basic shapes

Apart for nodes that are described in the next paragraphs, for each of the basic shapes provided by Konva there is a component that can be used. Take a look to the Konva API implementation status to see which component you should use.

Each of these components receives a @Input config compatible with the shape configuration and a centerOrigin @Input to offset the origin at the center of the figure.

<ko-ring [config]="{
  x: 500,
  y: 500,
  innerRadius: 40,
  outerRadius: 70,
  fill: 'yellow',
  stroke: 'black',
  strokeWidth: 4,
<ko-shape [config]="{
  x: 10,
  y: 20,
  fill: '#00D2FF',
  width: 100,
  height: 50,
  sceneFunc: this.sceneFunc


In order to simplify the Konva Image API the [config] provided for ko-image does not include config.image. You can use the @input [src] to specify the image to load and all the loading work will be done internally for you.

<ko-stage [config]="{width: 100, height: 100}">
        <ko-image [config]="{x: 100, y: 100}"


You can use ko-label to render a Label provided with a text and a tag. You can disable both of them by using the @Inputs textDisabled and tagDisabled, and you can change the configuration of each component by updating the @Input config for the Label, textConfig for the Text and tagConfig for the Tag.

<ko-label [config]="{       
          x: 500,
          y: 500,
          opacity: 0.75,
          zIndex: 10
          fill: 'black',
          pointerDirection: 'down',
          pointerWidth: 10,
          pointerHeight: 10,
          lineJoin: 'round',
          shadowColor: 'black',
          shadowBlur: 10,
          shadowOffsetX: 10,
          shadowOffsetY: 10,
          shadowOpacity: 0.5,
          text: 'Tooltip pointing down',
          fontFamily: 'Calibri',
          fontSize: 18,
          padding: 5,
          fill: 'red',

Transitions (Konva.Tween)

In order to use Tween and transition between states in a component you can use the transitionWith @Input available for every kind of shape. Consider that the passed [config] is considered the initial state of the component and it will not apply an initial animation. Each modification on [config] @Input will cancel (if not already finished) the previous transition and bring the component to the next state with the configuration passed inside transitionWith, that accepts the TweenConfig.duration and TweenConfig.easing parameters.

If you want to skip a transition in one of the [config] updates you can alway pass the _skipTransition: true parameter and for that change no animation will be triggered.

<ko-image [transitionWith]="{duration: 2}" [config]="imageConfig"

Try changing imageConfig over time to see the animation happening.

You can subscribe to the Tween events by using the (transitionOnFinish) and (transitionOnUpdate) @Output.

Tip: if you need it, KoNestable.Easing exports the default Tween easing functions.

Events handling

In order to avoid consuming memory setting up unused listeners, the Node events are handled through directives.

These are the directives you can use:


<ko-circle koHover (onHoverStart)="handleStart($event)" (onHoverEnd)="handleEnd($event)" [config]="{ 
          radius: 120,
          fill: 'blue',
          stroke: 'black',
          strokeWidth: 4,
          x: 0,
          y: 0

It allows to capture when the user hover on a Node. Each onHoverStart and onHoverEnd emits the underlying Shape of KonvaJS.


<ko-circle koPointer (koPointerDblClick)="onDblClick($event)" [config]="{ 
          radius: 120,
          fill: 'blue',
          stroke: 'black',
          strokeWidth: 4,
          x: 0,
          y: 0

It allows to capture all pointer events. Full API.


<ko-circle koDrag (koDragMove)="onDragMove($event)" (koDragStart)="onDragStart($event)"
   (koDragEnd)="onDragEnd($event)" [config]="{ 
          radius: 120,
          fill: 'blue',
          stroke: 'black',
          strokeWidth: 4,
          x: 0,
          y: 0

It allows to capture all drag events. Reference.


<ko-circle koTransform (koTranform)="onTranform($event)" (koTranformStart)="onTranformStart($event)"
   (koTransformEnd)="onTranformEnd($event)" [config]="{ 
          radius: 120,
          fill: 'blue',
          stroke: 'black',
          strokeWidth: 4,
          x: 0,
          y: 0

It allows to capture all transform events. Reference.

Inner events


ko-layers provides you these output:

  • (onNewItem): when a new Shape or Layer is added to the current layer. Argument: the Shape | Layer added.
  • (beforeUpdate) (afterUpdate): called before/after the layers gets updated. Argument: Stage. Useful to use the underlying KonvaJS API on the passed argument.


ko-layers provides you these output:

  • (onNewLayer): when a new Layer is added to the current layer. Argument: the Layer added.
  • (beforeUpdate) (afterUpdate): called before/after the layers gets updated. Argument: Layer. Useful to use the underlying KonvaJS API on the passed argument.


ko-nestable (all basic shapes) provides you these output:

  • (beforeUpdate) (afterUpdate): called before/after the layers gets updated. Argument: KoNestableNode. Useful to use the underlying KonvaJS API on the passed argument and modifying directly the Konva Node.

How to contribute

Contributing is quite simple: in order to complete coverage of the KonvaJS API we have to add more shapes.

To add more "simple" shapes take a look to the ./projects/ngx-konva/src/lib/ko-shape.component.ts component:

  • Add the new selector
  • Update the ko-nestable.ts types
  • Check if the default configuration handling is fine

If you need to handle children inside the new component or create more complex shapes please create a specific component for that. Extend the KoNestable class for each component that should be nestable inside a Layer and provide the getKoItem to return the underlying shape. By doing that KoNestable will take care of adding and destroying the Shape instances your component will use. Again, take a look to KoShapeComponent to see an example.

Event listeners

In order to add new event listeners to the shapes see ko-hover.directive.ts as an example of an event listener directive.

Full API Documentation

See /docs for full API Documentation.