The vcard format as specified by the vCard and CardDAV Working Group is quickly becoming the de-facto standard to exchange and store contact information, which formerly has been an exclusive domain of directory servers, most prominently of the LDAP family.
In the absence of reliable methods for prognosis it is unclear if and if, for how long, the vcard standard will or can coexist with existing LDAP installations. Judging by the number of relevant RFCs, LDAP is still leading with vcard gaining ground.
Numerous tools exist to convert LDAP information to vcard. I have found none to do the reverse, i.e. extracting information from vcards for storage in LDAP servers. This tool redresses the situation for a specific subset of entries. Extension and pull requests are welcome.
vcard2ldif.rb - convert vcards to ldif representation of LDAP
vcard2ldif.rb inputfile outputfile ldapdomain
vcard2ldif.rb parses a inputfile [text/plain] containing one or more vcards. It then extracts a subset of attributes (name, addresses, phone numbers and email addresses) from the vcard and prints these as LDIF-formatted elements to an outputfile [text/plain]. Each identifying LDAP element 'dn' is constructed by appending the (unique) name of a contact with the ldap_subdomain as in dn=Mickey Mouse,ou=addresses, dc=example,dc=org.