An axios HTTP client for PUBG API.
This library makes it easier for you to make HTTP PUBG API calls. It is not an abstraction distraction of the native HTTP PUBG API.
This library does not handle rate limiting! You need to provide your own rate limiting solution using the returned headers. See
const PubgHttpApi = require('pubg-http-api');
const pubgHttpClient = PubgHttpApi(process.env.PUBG_API_KEY, 'pc-na');
pubgHttpClient.get('players', {
playerNames: ['shroud', 'break']
.then((response) => {
// response is an axios response
.then((response) => {
// response is an axios response
(endpoint, filters?) calls gets on endpoint with optional filters, where filters is an object with filter names to array of filter values
For all available endpoints and the contents of responses, see