Docker image for running Rstudio 3.6.3 with LakeEnsemblR.WQ and associated packages installed. This docker runs Ubuntu 18.04.
Currently includes:
- Simstrat-AED2
- GOTM-Selmaprotas
- PCLake
Some commands to deal with Docker:
# build a new container from current DOCKERFILE
sudo docker build -t lerwq .
# download the docker
docker pull hydrobert/lerwq:latest
# run the installed docker container
sudo docker run --rm -ti -e PASSWORD=password -p 8000:8000 hydrobert/lerwq
# run the installed docker container and link to volume
sudo docker run --rm -ti -v /home/robert/Projects/LER_docker/lerwq_mendota/calibration:/home/rstudio/calibration -e PASSWORD=password -p 8000:8000 hydrobert/lerwq
# stop all containers
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
# see all installed containers, first find "IMAGE ID"
docker images -a
docker rmi --force "IMAGE ID"
# purge everything docker-related
docker system prune --volumes
Physics Chemistry Phytoplankton Nutrients Zooplankton Chlorophyll-a